How do you play YOUR characters?

Does anyone else give different personalities to their pov characters?

Except for Mira who is a clever girl up untill she has her back against the wall and will do anything to get her way, both Ethan and Garret in my playthrough are very in your face if you cross them. Well Ethan is more political and thinks about it first....Garret calls you an arse and bashes your face in with a shield.
the Forresters in my playthrough are North to the core.
We aint taking shit from no-one! Not from Cersei, not Ramsey, not Fatarse the jackass of Whitehill.
Yeah I think my folks might follow the Starks sometime soon >.>


  • For me, I played Ethan as clever and diplomatic, but "soft" and unsure of himself. Gared was honorable, loyal, and tried to be brave. Mira was smart and chose the clever responses to Cersei... I played her as loyal to Margaery, but in the end, willing to do anything to help her family. I also played her as a bit too trusting.

  • Historically I play my characters as slightly sorta self inserts. Often doing what I think is most effective rather than what is best for the plot. This time though the characters are different enough from each other that I can resist that urge more easily.

    I played Gared as a humble, honorbound, naive, selfless, but vengeful man. Ethan as a thoughtful, introverted, sensitive, brave, aggressive, and pragmatic leader. And Mira as a well meaning girl, with the gift of the silver tongue, a hidden streak of scheming, but a true affection for her friends and a reluctance to flip on her friends.

  • I tried to mold Gared as the cliche revenge guy, pissed at the nobles who plays people like him as a pawn.
    Ethan before he died, I played him as a guy trying to be like his father but feels uncomfortable following his father's punishments.
    Mira as the untrusting one who only looks out for her family.

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