My Thoughts on the First Episode

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

So I spent the entire game in Ethan's point of view attempting to go the diplomatic route. I showed mercy for the criminal, I chose Duncan for my Sentinel, Chose to meet Ramsey in the Great Hall, I spent Ethan's time attempting to keep everything peaceful. Then I realized...

This is George R.R Martin's universe where the noble die first and the cruelest survive, and Ramsey Snow is the most psychotic dude in the entire show. There's no point attempting to negotiate with Ramsey Snow because he's going to do whatever the hell he wants in the end.

How could I have been so stupid? Maybe it's because it was just after playing Tales From the Borderlands where everything is rather light compared to Game of Thrones, that I was so shocked. I thought it was one of those "Game OVER YOU ARE DEAD" kind of things and I was waiting to respawn, then I was like "Oh man...I'm really dead..."

As for the other point of views, I enjoyed playing as them for the most part. I enjoyed being Ethan, unsure of himself, yet slowly learning what it took to be a lord. Didn't agree with his death as he was definitely coming into his own. I loved talking with Margery, Tyrion and Cersei as Mira. Telltale really captured the essence of King's Landing. Gared is cool to. He looks like Luke. Really looking forward to going to the Wall and also seeing Essos.

I'm seeing some kind of parallel drawn between the Forresters and the Starks though.

Lord Eddard Stark/Lord Gregor Forrestor - Both are honorable and well respected in their respective houses by their people. Both die tragically at the hand of treachery.

Lady Catelyn Stark/Lady Elissa Forrestor - Both come from a land far from the North and are trying to make the most of their situations by protecting their children.

Robb Stark/Rodrik Forrestor - Both are the oldest son and have been groomed in preparation for ruling. Both die tragically at the Red Wedding.

Jon Snow/Aster Forrestor - Both are "exiled" from their homelands. Jon to the Night's Watch, Aster to Essos.

Sansa Stark/Mira Forrestor- Both leave their hometown to go to King's Landing. Both need to learn to survive in the mess of scheming that is King's Landing.

Bran Stark/Ethan Forrestor - Both needed to learn to be lord of the house in the absence of their father and older brother.

Arya Stark/Talia Forrestor - Okay. I admit. There isn't much similarity in their personalities. Both know how to fight though. Talia will probably be one of the last Forrestors to survive.

Rickon Stark/Ryon Forrestor - Both are scared and confused as they are taken from their homeland to a hostile place.

Probably intentional, but wow! They really did it like that!

Of the Forrestors, I think that Talia and Aster will survive. Mira seems to be far too entrenched in the muddle of King's Landing with Cersei, Tyrion and Margery. She will probably die at the end though, as she's our only eyes in King's Landing. Lady Elissa will do anything to keep her children safe. This may go as far as sacrificing herself for Talia. Ryon is a bargaining chip that the Whitehills have and I don't know if he'll make it out of there alive.

Gared won't die either though because he's our only eyes at the Wall. Aster is our eyes in Essos. That's why the only ones who will die are the ones at Ironrath.

Telltale did a great job capturing the feel of Game of Thrones. I felt the same way at the ending as I did at Ned's execution, the Red Wedding, Oberyn vs the Mountain. I just feel empty. I feel exhausted. I'm left staring at the screen thinking, "Oh my God, What the hell just happened?" I don't know if this is good or bad and I'm really starting to question how much I like Game of Thrones now. It's a rather pessimistic experience and seeing Ethan die at the end in such a horrible way, seeing his little brother dragged away as he stares helplessly really drove that point into my heart.

Farewell, Ethan the milksop.


  • I just played it through. I am SHAKING! They completely gave the game the same feeling like the books and the series. You never know what happens, the game gave me more extreme emotions than the film titanic and i think telltale worked together with George Martin. The story of the house forester is amazing and i couldn´t imagine how the game could tell that better.
    I was a bit angry on telltale because i bought it directly over them and i just have a mac which led to me being able to play it not until today.
    But that is completely gone! AMAZING!
    That was my first telltale game. How long does it last till the next episode based on your experiences with other telltale series?

    And do you know which telltale game hits you emotionally in the face and is that exciting like GoT? I watched (not played) the walking dead but that isn´t that strong to me like GoT Ep.1 did.

    Thank you in advance! And THANK you telltale!!! I´m going to recommend that game to every person i know, and omg im still shaking i can't even type Oo

  • edited December 2014

    It's amazing isn't it? I think they're going to alternate monthly between Tales from the Borderlands and GoT. Next month will probably be an episode from Tales then in February a GoT episode, then so on and so on.

    Don't even get me started on waiting for it, lol. I had to play it on PS3 a whole week after it was initially released haha, what a pain, but definitely worth it.

    The Walking Dead Season 1 is considered to be the game that gave Telltale their rise to the fame and it's really emotional. Trust me, playing it is a WHOLE lot different than watching it. Of course, since GoT was your first telltale game, you'll think that it's the best. The Walking Dead is a great game (Season 1) in my opinion and you should definitely play it.

    Telltale are really good at what they do.

    Just gonna give you a brief rundown of their other games that I've played so far:

    The Walking Dead: Based off the comics and is separate from the TV show. You follow a former convict, Lee, as he attempts to protect a little girl, Clementine, from the horrors of the zombie apocalypse. Their relationship really drives the game. Themes: Morality, Family,

    The Wolf Among Us: Based off the Fables comics. You follow Bigby Wolf (The Big Bad Wolf) as the Sheriff of Fabletown as he attempts to solve the mystery of someone killing other "Fables." You see other characters from fairytales such as Snow White, Beauty, Beast, The Woodsman, Tweedledee and Tweedledum.

    Tales from the Borderlands: You follow Rhys, a dude struggling to make it in the "higher ups" of a place called Hyperion, and Fiona, a con artist who has survived by her ability to adapt. The game takes place in a the Borderland's world, on a place called Pandora where the number one thing everyone is after is money. The two eventually meet and hilarity, action and deception occur.

    I'd rank it all like this for me personally:

    • Walking Dead (Season 1)
    • Game of Thrones
    • The Wolf Among Us
    • Tales from The Borderlands
    • Walking Dead (Season 2)

    Honestly, you can't go wrong. They are all great games in their own right and Telltale's unique style is addicting.

    Have fun! Hopefully I helped you in some way!

    Greenspot posted: »

    I just played it through. I am SHAKING! They completely gave the game the same feeling like the books and the series. You never know what ha

  • I had the same reaction when Ethan died, when Ramsay appeared I knew he was the most psychotic person in the show/game/books and still in my head I thought wow this might end well. Now waiting for the next chapter is going to be more stressful than waiting for a new episode on TV.

  • This is George R.R Martin's universe where the noble die first and the cruelest survive,

    I really wish people wouldnt have that attitude it isnt true, plenty of the psychos are dead too at this point and plenty of the "good" characters are still alive, its all to do with luck, circumstances and smart choices.

    Its Not, Good= You die . Its just people aren't used to protagonists dying so much in a media.

  • Oh yeah, believe me that's not my whole attitude towards the series. Bad guys have died as well as good in the Game of Thrones universe. This post was merely me saying that I failed to look at this in the same way I would when watching the show. I underestimated just how faithfully Telltale follows the themes of the universe and I was just bitter at how I looked at it. I wasn't expecting one of the main protagonists to die so early. It was executed in perfect Game of Thrones fashion and I wasn't expecting it and I was just upset I didn't see it coming.

    It's amazing. George R.R Martin has a way of building up your hope, then taking it away as fast as he gave it to you. Yet you continue to watch.It's seen again and again. We're led to believe Ned will be spared, then his head is cut off. Robb might have won the war, then the Red Wedding happens. Oberyn might beat Gregor Clegane, then it blows our minds what happens. (I'm sorry.)

    Yet, he's managed to create a universe in which the we see the "good guys" die in the same ruthless manner like "bad guys" do. It's amazing how complicated this universe really is when you attempt to analyze every little detail and every motive that went behind one character causing the death of another character, etc. Who's good? Who's bad? Who really has power? Why did this character do what they did? What's going to happen next? Will this character finally achieve their goal? Man, it's a real head scratcher, yet George R.R Martin created such an intricate world that you can't help but to continue watching/reading because it's just so fantastically immersive.

    This is George R.R Martin's universe where the noble die first and the cruelest survive, I really wish people wouldnt have that atti

  • This is the first time I'm so emotionaly tied to the characters of a video game. Other Telltale Games are beautiful, entertaining, thrilling, but I never was involved so much.

    It seems stupid to say, but compared to 'The Walking Dead' in particular, I've got the feeling that it is more plausible, more realistic (how can I say that about a game set in the Game of Thrones universe??).
    This has also proabably something to do with the way decisions must be taken, rapidly and in dramatic situations.

    Greenspot posted: »

    I just played it through. I am SHAKING! They completely gave the game the same feeling like the books and the series. You never know what ha

  • Yep Ethans death was a shock too however when you look at it Ethan is our incentive, Gregor and Rodrik were fine but we didnt even know them. The anger for blood your supposed to feel after the red wedding comes in the form of Ethan instead as they knew fans of the series would likely see the beginning coming

  • Yeah... that ending to episode 1 was deflating, in a good way of course.

    I'm a little late to the GoT universe, but since becoming a fan I'm still not use to the realistic realities of characters biting it when you least expect it. Damn you main stream media for cushioning my senses! Another great addition by TTG, I bought the season pass without hesitation. Now the tough part, waiting to continue the heart-wrenching story within a story within a story.

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