Do you think this could be a multi-season game?

I heard Telltale signed a "multi season multi year" deal with HBO for this game. If the rest of episodes are really good and the story/plot/characters advance and develop well, do you think we will see more Game of Thrones in the future?

I think its too early to tell, but if the rest of the episodes are good I wouldn't mind seeing more.


  • Quite possibly. This has the second largest fandom of the games that Telltale has been creating (TWD being the first) and will most likely see more seasons to come. I think it's safe to bet on a Season 2 at the very least.

  • Not if they continue to kill the protagonists like they did with Ethan.

    But in all seriousness, like you said, depends on how the quality of the next episodes are. If they're good, then yes, they should make more because it could be a huge money maker for Telltale because of GOT's popularity. But even if the episodes are great, it doesn't mean they will make a second season of the game (TWAU still hasn't been confirmed yet, need I remind you).

  • I think that depends on how many people actually buy the season. I'm not sure about the numbers for TWAU, but TWD S2 had a profitable turn. And so far, GOT is seeing a good amount already.

    Not if they continue to kill the protagonists like they did with Ethan. But in all seriousness, like you said, depends on how the quality

  • like you said it is a multi year multi title contract they pretty have multiple seasons planned out the only reason i see them not doing it is if season 1 flops which it most likely won't

    plus on the steam description they call it game of thrones season one i don't think they would call it that unless they had a second season in mind

    Alt text

  • But, won't they have to wait until the TV show catches up ? or do they have no obligation for that ? Legit curious, sorry of stupid question.

    Unless they do the same period, with different houses ? Hmm

  • Why not a second season about a different family, perhaps one we interact with this season, but stil a minor one that hasnt been covered much in the books/show?

  • Isn't this first season supposed to span basically from the red wedding up until the start of season 5 (which will beginning airing this spring)? If that is the case, then there will already be an entire new season broadcast on HBO before the next telltale season releases I would think.

  • Considering the uncertainty of episode release dates, Season 5 of the television series may very well be airing before this first season of the game is even completed.

  • Well that's what Robert Kirkman did, but HBO might give Telltale creative freedom.

    Byakuren posted: »

    But, won't they have to wait until the TV show catches up ? or do they have no obligation for that ? Legit curious, sorry of stupid question. Unless they do the same period, with different houses ? Hmm

  • I wonder what the sales numbers for GOT ep1 compared to other TT games? If it out sells the other games by the end of the season that will be a sure fire way to get season 2 earlier

  • If it is I hope there is more planning for this, Such as several characters going into season 2. Rather than just starting over

  • Absolutely. Martin's world is huge and not just limited to the Westeros. With that in mind they can create an entire game and story that doesn't infringe on anything canon while still being entertaining.

  • Maybe when the Season 5 is out they will make the game a year later.

  • Yes! Like Walking Dead 'Season 1'. It wasn't called like that. The game was a risky bet for TTG.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    like you said it is a multi year multi title contract they pretty have multiple seasons planned out the only reason i see them not doing it

  • I don't think so.

    I know so.


  • Don't get my hopes up :-P

    I don't think so. I know so. :P

  • I like this idea. I mean, ASOIAF isn't revolving around a single family. I was thinking that maybe they can cover in a possible new game some families from Slaver's Bay or Dorne. I really want to see how the whole rulership changes in Mereen affected noble families right from inside. Yeah, maybe I want too much, call me a dreamer :D

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why not a second season about a different family, perhaps one we interact with this season, but stil a minor one that hasnt been covered much in the books/show?

  • What hopes? :D

    Telltale already stated they have a multi year contract with HBO, which pretty much confirms future Seasons.

    Majda posted: »

    Don't get my hopes up :-P

  • Depends how well this season does I suppose. If so, I doubt it will happen next year or anytime soon. I suspect TWDS3 and a new series will be after TftB and GoT.

  • Oh my mistake, didn't read it properly. Well that raps it up than. :-D Thank you.

    What hopes? Telltale already stated they have a multi year contract with HBO, which pretty much confirms future Seasons.

  • If it happens, its likely to be in 2016 Fall onwards, since by then Walking Dead S3 will be over, and another game if they have one scheduled for 2015 will be over as well or nearing it.

    Revec posted: »

    Depends how well this season does I suppose. If so, I doubt it will happen next year or anytime soon. I suspect TWDS3 and a new series will be after TftB and GoT.

  • Maybe, not sure. When does S5 air btw? I heard Spring 2015 but I'm not sure. If thats the case, S5 will probably be over before S1 is even finished and it gives them a lot of time to map out a S2 during the events of the show.

    They can even go past the events in the show and just try not to touch upon any major events that will happen in S6 or anything.

    Well that's what Robert Kirkman did, but HBO might give Telltale creative freedom.

  • That'd be pretty cool.. We can play as different characters from different houses we meet in S1, but at the same time get to play as one or two of the Forresters again in S2 (sort of like how Theon and Jaime are just side character in the first book and two but then they get their one POV chapters).

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why not a second season about a different family, perhaps one we interact with this season, but stil a minor one that hasnt been covered much in the books/show?

  • Well, I am basing this opinion off of my YouTube experience it seems there is a lot more traffic for The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. So, far Telltale Borderlands and Game of Thrones has no where the near amount of viewership compared to those two. However, both of these newer release are still early and maybe it needs some time to build a fan base. I am not basing these stats off of how well my videos does but comparing to all YouTubers who cover the game and search engine and its a huge difference.

    I find all the games to be great and very enjoyable. So, I hope it all does well.

  • Honestly this is what I'm expecting. I don't think they are planning for this to be a multiyear spread out mini epic about the Forrestors. I think the story will be in their little corner, and will have a self contained arc.

    I'd be expecting a bunch of mostly unconnected stories, since it's such a wide open setting. But I guess they could just keep it rolling, see how things shake out as the show rolls along with the Forrestors.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Why not a second season about a different family, perhaps one we interact with this season, but stil a minor one that hasnt been covered much in the books/show?

  • Personally, I would love to see a prequel game regarding Old Valyria, or Castamere, or any of the fantastic historic events in ASOIAF. They have a lot of space here, and a lot of promise. And since The World of Ice and Fire is officially out, these seasons could potentially last a very, very long time. It's exciting.

  • Having them go back in time would be dumb, just like how if they decided to have S3 of TWD take place during the 16 month time skip or S2 of TWAU to take place in the 1960s or 70s. I would love for them to keep on the track of the show, with us just playing through the events as the Forresters and possibly some new characters.

    They have a lot of space here, and a lot of promise

    That already exists in this Universe and game IMO

    Slugmind posted: »

    Personally, I would love to see a prequel game regarding Old Valyria, or Castamere, or any of the fantastic historic events in ASOIAF. They

  • They did the same with Walking Dead, I just hope thats the case :P

    What hopes? Telltale already stated they have a multi year contract with HBO, which pretty much confirms future Seasons.

  • I don't think so at all. Game of thrones is very much about a living history and sprawling storylines. Doing a storyline set during Robert's rebellion focused on some families in the Stormlands wouldn't be bad. Or any number of other possible times or places.

    Your example about TWD is poor, because that source material never does time skips and as of now after 10 years of publication only like 2 years have passed. I think season 2 is actually further by a minute than the comics, which are focused on the day to day slog of life and death. Whereas the source material for GOT is obsessed with the past, and the writer has taken breaks to do prequels in the setting.

    Having them go back in time would be dumb, just like how if they decided to have S3 of TWD take place during the 16 month time skip or S2 of

  • I never said it was a terrible idea, just not the smartest. Most likely by the end of the season most players will be attached to the Forresters as they were to the Starks. Seeing their story grow and continue in future seasons (as well as introducing more Houses/characters) while the events of the show take place as well would be ideal IMO.

    n00b_f00 posted: »

    I don't think so at all. Game of thrones is very much about a living history and sprawling storylines. Doing a storyline set during Robert's

  • Maybe next season will be a prequel showing Robert's Rebellion. :P

  • Continuing with the Forrester idea is not a bad one. But attachment or no, I view these smaller stories as a means of taking a semi focused look on something and being zoomed in. So to me, this season is about showing how The Red Wedding was a Stark disaster, it was a Northern disaster. While we will no doubt still be attached to the Forresters at seasons end. I'm not sure how many seasons they expect to get out of a minor house feuding with another minor house about some trees. They can bring it new plotlines to keep running with the same cast, but a total setting shift seems easier is all.

    Well, we'll find out soon. A total cast change would be a bit of a departure for sure.

    I never said it was a terrible idea, just not the smartest. Most likely by the end of the season most players will be attached to the Forres

  • That doesn't mean they can't do it, and then have whatever movie that comes out 5 years from now overwrite it.

    Also that seems like a dumb idea for a movie, wouldn't we all prefer it was a 2-3 season show? It had enough battles and twists and turns for it. I'd rather that than a 3 hour movie.

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