Coal Boy works for Varys?

so in game of thrones varys has a network of spies that he calls little birds mainly whores and kids like coal boy i'm not too sure if there are any more but i'm sure there are this is a picture of one of them

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looks kinda similar to coal boy imo and also i accidentally may have found something that confirms this i'll post it as a comment with a spoiler tag


  • in the game files the name of coal boy's model is littlebird

  • I hope it is. It would be really cool to see Varys. He is one of my favorite characters in the show.

  • I was thinking Littlefinger but now it's like 99% chance going to be Varys'. I guess he's going to help her "for the good of the realm" whatever that means >.>

  • I thought so when I saw him.

  • But don't all of varys' little birds have their tongues cut out so they can't spill any secrets?

  • Yep...I knew he was the fat man's servant before he even started talking. 100% sure he well get Mira killed somehow. Just watch out, you can't trust Vary's and his "For the good of the realm" Nonsense.

  • trust me '' the good of the realm '' will NOT apply to mira's situation LOL. there is a huger difference between '' the war of the 5 kings '' and being from a house up north in ironwrath called house forrester which were loyal to the starks and faught beside rob stark against joffery the king LOL!!! it would be cool and kind hearted for him to do for her though... he mght help her because of what they have ''ironwood'' then yes, i guess :D

    I was thinking Littlefinger but now it's like 99% chance going to be Varys'. I guess he's going to help her "for the good of the realm" whatever that means >.>

  • I'm going to trust the kid, but I'm not going to do it first. "I" have a lot more to lose then him, so let him (and his boss, whoever it is, if it's anyone) make the first move, so I can gauge their real power/usefulness, and so then I'll have leverage on him/them.

  • i tottaly agree! i was nice to him though, but i didnt trust him.. i think we will know how useful he will be in the next episode!

    SethFourTen posted: »

    I'm going to trust the kid, but I'm not going to do it first. "I" have a lot more to lose then him, so let him (and his boss, whoever it is,

  • I was nice to him and trusted, I think he'll be good to Mira but we never know.

    Mercyva posted: »

    i tottaly agree! i was nice to him though, but i didnt trust him.. i think we will know how useful he will be in the next episode!

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