Asher's voice

What do you guys think Asher's voice is going to be like? I can't see it being nasal and high but I can't see it being real deep either. If you had to pick one character from Telltale's past games for Asher's voice to be, who would it be? I think the closest one is Gren, but that's just me.


  • I think Gavin Hammon would fit his role quite well.

  • That was my first thought. He is very good at voice acting, but I'm not sure if he could fit a role as young as Asher. Although, correct me if I'm wrong, from the small grunt from Rodrik, I think I heard a bit of Hammon there...

    Green613 posted: »

    I think Gavin Hammon would fit his role quite well.

  • god i hope we get to play as Asher, I don't know why I but he seems to be fun character to play.

  • We will. He took Ethan's place on the main screen.

    god i hope we get to play as Asher, I don't know why I but he seems to be fun character to play.

  • What? Are you people seriously discussing this? Troy Baker of course.. Duh.

  • Was that announced somewhere?

    EarthRocker posted: »

    What? Are you people seriously discussing this? Troy Baker of course.. Duh.

  • edited December 2014


    'Twas sarcastic, Troy Baker has been in everything lately. /winkwink

    Was that announced somewhere?

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Asher is a badass. That is all.

  • Alt text

    EarthRocker posted: »

    Psssst 'Twas sarcastic, Troy Baker has been in everything lately. /winkwink

  • I already like him. xD

    ArthurV posted: »

    Asher is a badass. That is all.

  • Something gruff and a bit gravelly, but still shows that he's in or around his twenties. The northern british accent is a given.

  • Yeah. Something like Carver's voice, but not quite to that extent and younger with a British accent

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Something gruff and a bit gravelly, but still shows that he's in or around his twenties. The northern british accent is a given.

  • edited December 2014

    Yeah, Carver's voice worked as an angry villain but it also worked when he was showing his intelligence. Asher's voice needs to be similar to that because, judging by the rest of his family, he's probably quite clever even though he allegedly has anger issues. He might act first and think later but I think he's clever about doing so.

    Yeah. Something like Carver's voice, but not quite to that extent and younger with a British accent

  • I heard that one too, but, later on I thought and I think now that It sounds quite like Brian Bremer's voice.

    That was my first thought. He is very good at voice acting, but I'm not sure if he could fit a role as young as Asher. Although, correct me if I'm wrong, from the small grunt from Rodrik, I think I heard a bit of Hammon there...

  • Scott Porter! he is apt to do a more husky voice, that I beg my money deep, and his voice is already a familiar one in TTG so that way they can help build a praise amidst fans for Asher, kinda making him a TTG GoT Jaime (in the hype, of course)

  • edited December 2014

    Assuming his voice will sound like scottish Luke, while I think it could work, it's a bit too (for lack of a better word) nice and casual. I haven't caught up on the show/books, but as far as I can tell from Asher's ingame character profile, he's a tough, violent guy. Take my opinion with a grain of salt as I'm not very well-informed on the GoT universe.

    Scott Porter! he is apt to do a more husky voice, that I beg my money deep, and his voice is already a familiar one in TTG so that way they can help build a praise amidst fans for Asher, kinda making him a TTG GoT Jaime (in the hype, of course)

  • Maybe more like a Jason Statham type of voice??

  • edited December 2014

    No it's fine. I don't want to be the one assuming Im in the position to judge your GoT knowledge.

    I just think that, if I was in TTG staff, I would probably want to colaborate with certain VOs in a long-time work if I knew they are versatile. Like Dave Fennoy or Brian Sommer and Andy Harrington. Those are masters in versatility. But Erin Yvette and Omid's voice (forgot his name, shit, crucify me, crucifyyyy me, then!!) are also quite quite versatile, as actors generally are.

    Overall, It would add more to the guy, change his appearance towards the fandom and, I don't, we haven't seem no TT familiar voices in GoT as of now. Barely did in TFTB... I just wanna some voice to make me feel more inside it and help me feel the atmosphere better. Oh, don't worry I felt it good alreayd, but, In the start of the EP I got a little lost on the story and everything... in climate matters of course. Some one from like the cabin survivors would humor me up real nicely... :)

    dinofire posted: »

    Assuming his voice will sound like scottish Luke, while I think it could work, it's a bit too (for lack of a better word) nice and casual. I

  • I just realized the voice of Danny St. John would work nicely if he could stop making it southern.

  • I don't have a particular VO in mind. But it needs to be Northern English, though maybe the last 4 years in Essos has softened it. And it needs to be a bit gravelly, capable of expressing both anger and cunning. I also need to be youngish.

    So a lot like a younger English Bigsby or Carver voice.

  • i can't remember where (i think it was on either playing dead or up at noon it was somewhere on ign) i'm pretty sure gavin said either he auditioned or he is a part of got it's been a while since i saw it either way there is a possibility

    Green613 posted: »

    I think Gavin Hammon would fit his role quite well.

  • Aw, that does not sound enjoyable one bit.

  • It will be perfect with some effects

  • which programs do you use

    I just realized the voice of Danny St. John would work nicely if he could stop making it southern.

  • edited December 2014

    I hope for Gavin Hammon, Kenny come back!

  • Assuming his voice will sound like scottish Luke

    Northern British Luke*

    dinofire posted: »

    Assuming his voice will sound like scottish Luke, while I think it could work, it's a bit too (for lack of a better word) nice and casual. I

  • I don't think it'll be a Telltale Regular, as none of them have been in GOT so far.

  • What?

    SPinix posted: »

    which programs do you use

  • edited December 2014


    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I don't think it'll be a Telltale Regular, as none of them have been in GOT so far.

  • Adam Harrington would be nice. He's already proven he could put on a good gruff/enforcing voice (which fits Asher's personality I presume) as Bigby, so I wouldn't mind hearing his voice again :)

  • I have a feeling he is going to be Bigby-esque.

    ArthurV posted: »

    Asher is a badass. That is all.

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