
Was this game written for: people who have read the books, people who have watched the tv show or neither?

I am just wondering because after playing the first episode I realized the reasons I made certain decisions was based on knowledge of the characters .
this is new for me because of the four tell tale games out, GOT is the only one I play with foreknowledge .


  • People who watch the show, otherwise it wouldn't make my much sense to use TV depictions of characters, when you could come up with your own.

  • The game is based off of the HBO show and uses the show's story as source material. I haven't watched Game of Thrones much (and I certainly need to change that!), but I do know that there are some differences between the show and the books - kind of like Walking Dead actually.

  • I'd say the main audience is the show's fanbase. Certainly no need to have read the books to understand, show should be enough.

  • edited December 2014

    Having background knowledge from the books or the show is not needed, and I personally haven't seen any indication that Telltale is catering to a certain type of audience. I haven't watched the show or read the books, and I perfectly enjoyed and understood the episode.

  • People who watch the show mostly.

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