If at all, when do you think Asher will come to Ironrath?

Asher is practically confirmed to be a PC in this season and to make his debut next episode. That being said, as Ethan you have the choice to send Malcolm to Essos to get Asher to help Ironrath, or to not send him and leave Asher out of it.

But, its most likely that Malcolm will go anyway to get Asher back to Ironrath. When this happens, when do you think he will arrive? Ep.3,4,5,or 6? Or not at all? And what do you think will hold Asher back from returning if he does try to come back?


  • I think probably by the end of episode 2 he'll be there.

  • I guess that he'll arive in episode 3.

  • I think he might arrive in Ep3 or 4.

  • Not until episode 5 or 6, my guess is he'll be our eyes and ears into Daenerys' story as a member of the Second Sons (apt, right?) for quite some time. We know a little bit about him so far, but we still don't know him. For all we know, he might wish to respect his Lord father's decision to exile him.

  • edited December 2014

    Episode 4. They will drag it out, but not too long.

  • I feel like they will keep the spotlight on 2-3 characters per episode. So maybe Asher will return around episode 4 but we will probably get to play as him in episode 2.

  • Never, I hope.

  • Not before Season 2, probably, as Daenerys is in the slide for Episode 6, so I'm assuming Asher joined her. And because she's still in Essos...well, so is Asher-

  • Hard to tell. I think episode 2 would be about him livinghis normal exiled life at first, then him reacting to the news, then him gatherimg loyal friends or even sellswords to aid him and could end with him perhaps ready to head to Westeros. This would give us time to get to know his life as it is in Essos, and perhaps visit more of the original characters in the books.

    I didn't think they'd keep him away from Westeros for too long, they'd run the risk of having other pcs evolving too far along in the story to make it possible to have him come in at the right time, and then have to resort to the 'Bran solution' (completely ommit some of them from an entire season).

    Him arriving at Ironwrath is an entirely different thing than arriving in Westeros. I am assuming he might head to Whitehill under cover, to speak to the woman he loves, possibly to get inside information, and that is in itself enough adventure for one episode.

    Episode 3 or 4 at the latest is my call.

  • Episode 2. I'm ready to save Ryon with Asher power.

  • I think he'll be on his way to Westeros at the end of Episode 2, and arrive at Ironrath in Episode 3, maybe Episode 4.

  • Ironrath is in a really bad place, they'll need Asher A.S.A.P so I'm guessing EP2. But they could drag it out to EP3.

  • I think he'll stay in Essos, based on the pictures for 2 of the future episodes. Or they'll have to introduce another POV character in Essos.

  • not anytime soon! since he's the only one is essosm yunkai. so daenery will make a cameo in asher's version of the story! that would make more sense than her appearing out of nowhere... asher is not going home anytime soon :D

  • Since Malcolm is already seen with him in the preview of episode 2 I wouldn't think very long. Episode 3 would be my guess.

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