ASHER, THE SAVIOR (spoilers, play episode 1)

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

i really LOVE Asher even though i havent played him! the way lady forrester was talking about him is like that he's a man that WILL MAKE OUR DREAM HAPPEN! ( ever wonders why telltale wont give us the kill/shoot option more often? TWD fans will know who im talking about LOL starts with B&M&A )

anyways, he's the man that makes things happen and wont make ethans death go in vain! he is my bigby in game of thrones world! so i want him to LIVE! PLEASE TELLTALE!
also, he is the ONLY house forrester biological son who is worthy of being a lord! since ethans death, mira in kings landing, ryon being stolen, rodrick death etc... he is the ONLY worthy of protecting house forrester! also i dont think he will be in ironwrath anytime soon, JOB tweeted about something being in YUNKAI and THE WALL. so i think that asher will help his house by maybe making allies like mira in kings landing, and maybe meeting Daenerys and her dragons ??! also i dont think that US being ethan and choosing a sentinal in going in vain, i really believe that our sentinal that we chose will play a role in next episode's plot. so :-

1) playing as DUNCAN in ironwrath/house forrester
2) playing as ASHER in YUNKAI, essos.
3) playing as MIRA in kings landing.
4) playing as GARRED in the wall.

what you guys think?! and i hope our choices matter when it comes to Asher if he dies, like we get to decide that by our choices that we made and not like ethan, even though its just for starting everything.. i think we past that, i think the whitehills/boltons made it very clear that its a mattter of winning/death or doom for the forresters... and i hope we get to decide that when it comes to Asher, he carries the name forrester! he is the next king since ethans death! it wont be that much cool if duncan runs house forrester forever..... telltale make me happy :D
and what you all think of asher as a lord of house forrester? i think picking duncan as a sentinal will help asher since he was described as man who reacts based on emotions or his gut feeling and not by being reasonable about his actions, i like him anyways and i hope picking duncan as a sentinal and not royland will make a difference in asher's personality :D

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  • I don't think Telltale would do a determinant protagonist :P

  • Asher will fuck shit up. This is how I imagine his arrival.

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  • edited December 2014

    YES! he is what we need! if anything happens to him, then house forrester will die no matter what

    Pipas posted: »

    Asher will fuck shit up. This is how I imagine his arrival.

  • I think Asher will be the Kenny of Game of thrones.

  • i dont want him to be a protagonist because we get to play many characters, i just want his death to be decided by us... by our choices not because it was planned for him to die all along... he is what house forrester need in the guidance of my chosen sentinal duncan! perrrrrfect team!

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't think Telltale would do a determinant protagonist :P

  • I really, REALLY hope not.

    -Kenny posted: »

    I think Asher will be the Kenny of Game of thrones.

  • edited December 2014

    then it will be an emotional roller coaster with much more tears than laughs and in the end i got to shoot him, atleast i decided how kenny ended his chapter in my story, hoping for asher the same! though in my playthrough he will last MUCH longer than kenny!
    kenny would be perfect in a GOT world lol

    -Kenny posted: »

    I think Asher will be the Kenny of Game of thrones.

  • Well his description sounds allot like Kenny.

    Mercyva posted: »

    then it will be an emotional roller coaster with much more tears than laughs and in the end i got to shoot him, atleast i decided how kenny

  • We playing as Duncan? Are you fucking serious?

  • edited December 2014

    our sentinal that we chose will play a role in next episode's plot.

    meant whoever you chose as sentinal. we all know that there is a choice duncan/royland. everyone is different.
    i chose duncan so i talked about him.

    and dont be rude. we are not children. :)

    We playing as Duncan? Are you fucking serious?

  • I too am exited for Asher, but I feel like hyping up a character like this is just begging for Telltale to kill him off quick.

  • dat gif doe :D

    Pipas posted: »

    Asher will fuck shit up. This is how I imagine his arrival.

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