Fix screen request on ipad

Hi telltale- first off, I love your games and usually buy the PCs version. I have recently bought GoT on my iPad and noticed that the game does not run fullscreen - it has black boarders. Could you please include an option to run the game full screen? In addition, could you please remove the boarder/ frame - is serves no purpose other than to break immersion and obfuscate the game world.


  • This sounds about right. I'm not Telltale staff so don't take that as an "official confirmation", but yeah, that's basically the case it seems.

  • That's a shame. Is there any chance we can pass the message on to the telltale devs? Their (excellent) Law and Order series was fullscreen and was great!

    This sounds about right. I'm not Telltale staff so don't take that as an "official confirmation", but yeah, that's basically the case it seems.

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