Game of Thrones.Install problem

Hello,i bought Game of Thrones on Android.After finishing the episode 1,i bought season pass.Now i don't know how to begin playing new episodes because i need to install these episodes and i don't know how.Can you help me please?


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Please note that only Episode 1 is currently available. Episodes 2-6 are not yet available. If you are currently seeing them as available to 'Download', we are currently working on updating the Episodes menu to show 2-6 as 'Coming Soon'. For more information on the Game of Thrones release schedule, and how the Episodic Season Pass works, make sure to check out the Game Of Thrones FAQ.

  • Thanks

    Please note that only Episode 1 is currently available. Episodes 2-6 are not yet available. If you are currently seeing them as available to

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