The Brief Guide to Game of Thrones for People who don't Watch or Read Game of Thrones

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

Phew, the title was a mouthful. Let's get down to business. There are approximately 2.49 quantillion threads (citation needed) asking about whether or not TTGOT is enjoyable without prior knowledge on Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire. I'm here, at your service, to briefly summarize the less-than-pleasant, bloody history of Game of Thrones.

Obviously, this guide will be compressing and extremely oversimplify the wonderful, immersive lore of GoT so I very strongly recommend you watch the show, not only to get the full scoop, but also avoid future spoilers as the game takes place around the ending of Season 3. This guide hopefully will be enough to get you through Iron From Ice without 'wtf is happening, who is that guy' popping into your head every 11 seconds. If there are any mistakes, please inform me.

information in this guide is accurate to Season 3 of GoT, AND WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS

The Important Bits - Geography and Society

The Game of Thrones universe takes place on the continents Westeros and Essos, in a medieval setting. Westeros is the more modern, 'civilised' continent with a 'somewhat' functional government/law system (note the 'somewhat'.). Essos is much more primitive and anarchic, with nomadic tribes and such. I'm not going to go into that much detail with Essos as it has not been heavily featured in-game.

In this map, Westeros is on the left, Essos is on the right.

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Most of Westeros is ruled by a dictatorship/monarchy known as The Seven Kingdoms, which is located in King's Landing, the most rich and powerful city in Westeros. The Seven Kingdoms consists of a King, Queen, the Hand of King, and The Small Council, and several ambassadors. The Hand of King is the King's most trusted friend/advisor, and helps the King in both general and political situations. The Small Council consists of King, Queen, Hand, and group of Lords who manage individual aspects the Kingdom, such as Master of Coin, Master of Ships, Grand Maester (doctor/medicine), etc. The current King of Westeros is Joffrey Baratheon, and the queen is Cersei Lannister.

You know the fancy-but-uncomfortable-looking sword throne thing that pops up where ever Game of Thrones is mentioned?

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That's the iron throne. Only the King and the Hand of the King are allowed to sit on it. Unlawful sitting is punishable by death.

In the very top part of Westeros is The Haunted Forest, where a completely separate society known as the Free Folk, or Wildlings live. They are a anarchic community, where the Seven Kingdoms or any form of government rule is absent. They are akin to the natives/aborginal peoples of Westeros, pushed back into the cold North. A huge, 300-mile long, 700 foot high wall (very creatively called The Wall) divides the Wildlings from the realm. The Wall is guarded and maintained by The Night's Watch. Majority of Night's Watch are exiled criminals, or poor peasants. Rangers of the Watch frequently go to find and kill Wildlings. Mythical creatures with powers of ice and resurrection, called White Walkers are also believed to live beyond the Wall.

The GoT world is a constant battle over land and resources between Houses. Think of Houses as factions or a country. Each has a sigil (flag), motto and a ruler (a Lord). The Lord status is usually inherited by the oldest son after the Lord's death or exile. The 'main' houses and their mottos:

Stark: Winter is Coming

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Targaryen: Fire and Blood

  • History of inbreeding in order to maintain blood purity

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Lannister: Hear me Roar

  • History of inbreeding in order to maintain blood purity

  • Richest and most powerful house

  • Ruling house in Seven Kingdoms/Westeros

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Baratheon: Ours is the Fury

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Greyjoy: We do not Sow

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Major Game Characters (excluding original Telltale characters)

Game screenshots courtesy of TTGoT wiki - go check it out!

Cersei Lannister - Queen Bitch (literally and metaphorically)

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  • In an incestous relationship with her twin brother Jaime Lannister
  • Widow of Robert Baratheon (Former King of Westeros, succeeded by their son Joffrey Baratheon)
  • Queen Regent, meaning she is temporarily ruling as Queen until Joeffrey marries

Joffrey Baratheon - Even worse than Arvo

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  • Literal embodiment of assholery itself, lovechild of all that is unholy
  • Supposed child of Cersei and Robert, is actually illicit son of Jaime and Cersei
  • Mental issues such as psychopathy and masochism due to inbreeding

Tyrion Lannister - Tyrion is love, Tyrion is life

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  • Dwarfism due to Lannister inbreeding
  • Constantly shamed and accused of disgracing Lannister name due to height
  • Sharp wit, good strategist and intelligent all-around

Jon Snow - Knows nothing

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  • Shamed bastard son of Ned Stark (House Stark Lord)
  • Supposed to temporarily join Night's Watch, but due to father's death, unable to leave
  • Honorable and kindhearted
  • Has never done the do

Margery Tyrell - Surprisingly, has nothing to do with margarine

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  • Arranged to marry Joffrey and become queen
  • Good at manipulating people


  • Thank you! I just started watching it, it's amazing, but it's always good to know some more :P

  • 'Supposed to temporarily join Night's Watch, but due to father's death, unable to leave'

    That is false. You cannot temporarily join the night's watch.

    Crips posted: »

    Thank you! I just started watching it, it's amazing, but it's always good to know some more :P

  • edited December 2014


    I made a longer one a while ago, only issue is its at the start of the series not season 3, but it has plenty of background

  • Dude you forgot the Forresters banner and motto.

  • They're not a main house

    papai46 posted: »

    Dude you forgot the Forresters banner and motto.

  • Nice. Although Firewallcano, and myself have made threads. Still helps though, good job!

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