Quotes from the game, favorites?



  • "My lord.. remember our words, Iron From Ice: From that which seems hopeless, comes strength." - Duncan Tuttle

  • Yep. I stand corrected. It's still a great line, though.

    I think it's "I loathe bread and salt."

  • "Ramsay Snow: "You're quite the brave lord, aren't you? I don't want a brave lord. Far too much trouble.""

    I would have liked this quote more if it weren't for the "far too much trouble" bit at the end.

    Very supurfluous. and the way it was delivered, just didn't seem Ramsayish to me.

  • When does he say that?

    Ryon-'I'll find the people who took Rodrick one day and I'll make sure I have a real sword when I do'

  • edited January 2015

    If you talk to him after dealing with the theif.

    When does he say that?

  • Ramsay Snow: "This is a lovely pile of timber isn't it?"

    I absolutely love this line.

  • I think someone needs to merge these two quote threads its weird to have two

  • edited January 2015

    Gared: "Who doesn't love bacon?" In that awesome accent.

  • Ser Royland: (to Duncan before Whitehill visits) "All the more reason to stand up for ourselves. Only cowards and dead men role over."

  • PM Blind, he'll probably do it

    I think someone needs to merge these two quote threads its weird to have two

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