Diplomacy or Defiance



  • I (would if i had the game sadly ive fallen on hard times) choose Ser Royland because him being an ass would make me seem like a saint compared to him so the people would think i was a good ruler :3

  • I agree, Roose Bolton is not a man who Loves his bastard son. He will find a use for him if he can ( much like Tywin and Tyrion), but we are lead to believe that Roose believes that Ramsey killed his trueborn son Domeric. And if that is true, i think Roose is just biding his time, waiting for an opportunity...

    K0t0 posted: »

    And the thing is I don't even think his father would mind much if Ramsey was killed, he might react out of formality to get something out of it but I doubt he'd hold any emotional grudge about it.

  • Ya, i feel like, i could trust in them individually, maybe. I liked Luwin, and Cressen,but they both had secrets too. And Cressen is connected to old Maester Walgrave somehow too. But as an institution, not likely, i am a suspicious person and the fact that Every letter Ever sent to Anyone goes through them, brings out the distrust in me.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    It is interesting how mistrusted the Maesters are. That has serious consequences in the fourth book, with more to come ahead doubtless.

  • Aww, it wasn't long enough. ):
    I hope the next one is longer. I bought the season pass.

    Nope, you die anyway and thats where the episode ends. Only thing that changes apparently is what you get called "Ethan the Brave" or "Ethan the Bold" or "Ethan the Wise"

  • Duncan.
    Royland came across as hot-headed and somewhat impulsive... in other words, me in real life. I wanted a wiser, more diplomatic person by my side. Y'know, despite Ramsay being a complete psychopath.

  • I'd been mindful of the promise to Talia to try to remain good and nice and all xD I chose Duncan,

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