Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • yeah,i was weirded out by price too,why 40 $?if i recall first season was 25$?i would understand to put the price at 30,but why 40$?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Anyone noticed that the pre-order for Season 2 is already up on the PS Store? It costs 40€ and the pre-order bonuses are a Captain Spirit th

  • Hi can anyone help me? Im trying to find Captain Spirit on the Ps4 store and can’t find it anywhere?? Im from the UK and apparently it should be available now?

  • I liked it. Certainly hasn’t killed off my interest

    Clemenem posted: »

    Sorry, the last episode and Before The Storm completely killed any care I had for the series at all. Maybe I'll watch a play through, I don't know

  • Apparently there was some kind of problem with PlayStation Europe and apparently it'll come out at midnight instead. :/

    dan290786 posted: »

    Hi can anyone help me? Im trying to find Captain Spirit on the Ps4 store and can’t find it anywhere?? Im from the UK and apparently it should be available now?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Hmmm... the phone PIN Code sure is a mystery...

  • Typical!!!

    Thank you very much for the info

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Apparently there was some kind of problem with PlayStation Europe and apparently it'll come out at midnight instead.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Got it, the code is 42983294

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • edited June 2018

    I REALLY enjoyed that, its also amazing how well the game runs on PS4. The switch to unreal 4 did Dontnod really good for a more stylistic game like Life is strange. I was gonna get Life is Strange season 2 anyways, but after playing this I'm going in incredibly optimistic. Everything just feels better overall.

  • How did you figure it out?

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    You know how on phones underneath the numbers you see letters? It spells Hawt Dawg

    How did you figure it out?

  • This weird LIS mascot will just never stop haunting my dreams

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You know how on phones underneath the numbers you see letters? It spells Hawt Dawg

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2018

    I find the mystery surrounding the death of Chris' mom pretty interesting, plus it's unlikely to not come up again in LIS2. Coolest detail for me was Chris naming his arch nemesis, Mantroid, after the two streets where his Mom died, Mantle and Asteroid, even better was why Mantroid always gets away, because he doesn't know who he is, Mantroid is "everywhere" because they could be anywhere.

    As for other things that'll definitely be showing up in the sequel:

  • Okay, I just finished Captain Spirit. It was sweet and also sad. I could relate to Chris so much. I liked how he could do certain actions with his "powers". Cleaning the dishes was funny. I thought he'd do it in an awesome way, but then he broke the glass. I feel bad for his dad, Charles, even though he's a short-tempered jerk. It was crazy to see a Mark Jefferson magazine on a shelf. The cell phone pin was near impossible to solve and the hotdog game on it was frustrating haha. It took me over 20 tries to get a high score. The biggest surprise was when Chris levitated over the ground at the end. He does have powers after all. Also, the game's theme song is nice. I'm curious to see how Captain Spirit will connect to LiS 2. It was a pretty good introduction.

  • edited June 2018

    Yeah, that was pretty interesting. I hope Chris finds Mantroid for real in LiS 2 and fights him.

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • edited June 2018

    I don't think Chris is the one with the powers. Its likely one of those two kids he waved too at the end.


  • edited June 2018

    Oh, I never thought of that. They were there when it happened too...


  • The Awesome Adventures Of Captain Spirit pleasantly surprised me. I wasn't sure what to expect from playing as a kid in the demo, but the devs did a fantastic job. I'm definitely hyped for Life is Strange season 2 now. :)

    mysuperherocostume.png My Captain Spirit costume. :smiley:

  • So I've done a couple playthroughs of Captain Spirit now and I noticed some interesting stuff that thought some of you might like.

    1. If you sit on the couch long enough before he falls asleep Charles (Chris' dad) will start talking to Chris and they have a touching conversation and really bond.
    2. You can talk to Charles when he's writing in his stats notebook. You can ask him about his Basketball days which prompts him to show Chris how to shoot the ball. After this you can go back to Chris' room and shoot the ball, before he would miss but now he will successfully throw the ball in the hoop.
    3. I'm not entirely sure how I triggered it but at some point you can call Mrs Reynolds but instead of her voice Chris will hear static and some weird sound and be confused by it. I think it may trigger if you call her after facing Mantroid, but I'm not sure.
    4. When Mrs Reynolds shows up at the door, how she reacts will be based on how Chris lies to her. If he tells very obvious lies than she will be stern and say she'll be back to talk with Chris' father. Alternatively she will say Chris is a good son and that he can come by if he ever gets scared.

    I just want to quickly say that I like how they've handled Charles' character. Making him more complex as they could've easily just made him a scumbag who never bonds with Chris.

  • edited June 2018

    Being able to leave tracks in the snow leads to some interesting results


  • I played The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. Plus, here's a nice fanart picture I found.

    It was pretty good. It actually reminded me of what it was like to be 10-years-old. Sneaking through your parent's bedroom, playing with toys, drawing comics, imagining being a superhero battling villains. There were even choices of what to do when playing with the toys; Spare the villain or destroy him. Intervene to save the civilian or do nothing.

    Chris' dad, Charles tries to be a good dad for Chris, but his drinking problem and short temper messes it up for him. I managed to do all of the awesome things on the list. The one where you go after Mantroid was trippy. I liked the Hawt Dawg man game. Managed to get a high score of 560 on my first try.

    There were some emotional moments in this, too. Like when Captain Spirit found the treasure in the maze, and it was pictures of Chris' mom and he started crying. (Surprisingly, his mask didn't get ruined from the tears.) And then when I finally woke up his dad, Mrs. Reynolds comes knocking for a chat and then his dad snaps, which made Chris run out without his coat and boots. I thought he was gonna get hurt when he fell climbing his flying fortress, but then he was actually levitating. Didn't see that coming. Did Chris actually do that? Or was it one of those two kids he was waving at that saved him?

    I do like the way the UI looks in this. Hopefully, it'll be just like that in the sequel. Speaking of which, I've tried searching for bits and pieces that would show what we can expect in the sequel, and most I can find is (possibly) that newspaper article about protests in shooting death, the intersection Chris' mom, Emily died at; Mantle Street and Asteroid Drive. And then there's those two kids, plus that levitation power.

    You know, people in "Life is Strange" have the worst luck with cars. First William, then Chloe in the timeline when her dad was still alive, and now Chris' mom. That just ain't fair.

  • Captain Spirit is a cute game. I like it.
    I'm definitely curious where DONTNOD is taking the game on its second season.

  • So is LiS about superheroes...Max can rewind time...Chris can maybe fly? Rachel seemed to be able to keep that forest fire going until she fainted due to blood loss. I really like Captain Spirit, now I am even more excited for LiS 2.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Probably more about teenagers dealing with issues who just happen to have a power, I assume.

    So is LiS about superheroes...Max can rewind time...Chris can maybe fly? Rachel seemed to be able to keep that forest fire going until she fainted due to blood loss. I really like Captain Spirit, now I am even more excited for LiS 2.

  • The previous leak about the comic is confirmed it seems.

  • Teaser trailer

  • Some people in the comments have pointed out that 10-10 stands for "fight in progress".
    I think the date in the teaser is also before Captain Spirit, if I'm not mistaken?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Teaser trailer

  • kinda sad that Max and Chloe won’t be in the second game, the teaser trailer looks confusing, for what I see, someone has powers, it would be amazing if they explain the origin of Max’s powers but I doubt it

  • Currently I'd assume the powers shown at the end are same ones that saved Chris at the end of Captain Spirit.

    MegaXD posted: »

    kinda sad that Max and Chloe won’t be in the second game, the teaser trailer looks confusing, for what I see, someone has powers, it would be amazing if they explain the origin of Max’s powers but I doubt it

  • Interesting. Maybe that was Chris or one of the two boys that caused that telekinetic power shove. Either way, they're on the lamb now.

    You know, I was also thinking that maybe, since we already played as someone with powers, the main protagonist in season 2 will be someone who hangs out and supports their friend with powers. (unless I missed out on some info that mentioned who it would be.)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Teaser trailer

  • I think this was the dead cop and dead man that the paper in Captain Spirit was referencing.

  • I would not count out Max in some form...this seems to be about the dawning of super powers...what is the most powerful manipulate time.

    MegaXD posted: »

    kinda sad that Max and Chloe won’t be in the second game, the teaser trailer looks confusing, for what I see, someone has powers, it would be amazing if they explain the origin of Max’s powers but I doubt it

  • edited August 2018

    Maybe eventually we'll get a game where they and several other characters with powers team up... Kinda like the Avengers!

    I would not count out Max in some form...this seems to be about the dawning of super powers...what is the most powerful manipulate time.

  • On one hand I wish I had resisted the temptation of clicking a link that lead to a thread on Reddit filled with LiS2 stuff that people managed to datamine from Captain Spirit, on the other hand it did make me more excited for it as there are some pretty interesting bits in there.

  • That sounds tonally terrible for a LIS game.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Maybe eventually we'll get a game where they and several other characters with powers team up... Kinda like the Avengers!

  • Just one more week until we get more info, I'm pretty stoked.

  • Tomorrow

  • I've seen so much hate for LiS in these threads to the point where i think a thread like this is necessary. I personally love LiS despite its flaws, so I would like to know what people loved about the game and how it's flaws can be improved upon in LiS 2. Even if you despise the game, you are still welcome here, just don't attack anyone who actually likes it. Thank you.

  • Awesome. Can't wait. :) I'm excited to see what they have in store for season 2.

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • im actually happy there's gonna be a new cast of chars. first season and BTS closed their story nicely. (still eagerly awaiting the comic tho).
    starting a new story with similar themes makes it more interesting.

    MegaXD posted: »

    kinda sad that Max and Chloe won’t be in the second game, the teaser trailer looks confusing, for what I see, someone has powers, it would be amazing if they explain the origin of Max’s powers but I doubt it

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