Anyone else tempted to make the "bad" choice

because you think, in the end, it'll turn out for the better just to surprise everyone? I think that's half the reason I chose to swear allegiance to Margaery, though appeasing Cersei is the "obvious" smarter option. It might be the less obvious decision that helps you somewhere down the road. For example, they kind of set you up to question Royland a lot more than Duncan but Royland might just be the one that saves your butt in the end despite all of his worrisome bravado.


  • Can't say I've ever been tempted to make the bad choices. Normally I like to play it smart.

  • I make the choices that i would actually make, especially my first playthrough. I was a total ass to ramsey, cuz i just knew that no matter what i chose, he would screw me.

  • No, can't say I have. But that's why there's more than just 1 save file.

  • I always choose nicely, because it's usually what I would do in those situations. However I was tempted a lot more to be a bit more over the top because I've heard that being nice usually screws you in Game Of Thrones, but my conscience would weigh on me, so I chose not to.

  • You must be new to telltale games, your choices dont matter. Period.

  • They have before, and they can in this game. Its the first episode, so we don't know. Being nice or being mean could have its effects.

    Jayroen posted: »

    You must be new to telltale games, your choices dont matter. Period.

  • I went with my gut and what would be smart in a world like Game of Thrones. I was nice half of the time and "bad" the other half. This is just my canon playthrough though, I could pick completely "bad" decisions in another save file (which is slightly tempting :P)

  • Made my New Lord Ethan as a rebel and Ser Royland was chosen as the sentinel. Well I mix and match according to the character and role play as different characters. It's more than one character and I want some of them as pillars of Paragons and Pacifists.

  • Very true, i think people are just bummed out about the ending of this episode.

    They have before, and they can in this game. Its the first episode, so we don't know. Being nice or being mean could have its effects.

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