Achievements and more

Hey - I have just got this, unlocked Chapter 1 and 3, but not the achievement for Chapter 2 - how is that possible??

Also, when will the other Episodes be released??



  • Informative, thanks - anyone else care to answer lol!

  • Not sure about the achievement thing, but the new episodes get release anywhere between 5-7 weeks of the last one... welcome to the waiting game my friend.

  • i know, i hate waiting!!!! lol

  • You new to Telltale? You could try picking up some of their previous games to help pass the time, they are pretty good too.

    i know, i hate waiting!!!! lol

  • i have maxed both Walking Dead series, downloading The Wolf Among Us now! - but i really don't care for Borderlands!

  • edited December 2014

    but i really don't care for Borderlands!

    Try it out. I've never been a fan of Borderlands myself, then I played Telltale's one and really liked it. It's like the opposite of the other series.

    i have maxed both Walking Dead series, downloading The Wolf Among Us now! - but i really don't care for Borderlands!

  • I agree with Fallandir,

    Never knew much about borderlands world at all. But the game from telltale is frickin hilarious, and fun to play. Give it a shot, if you dont like the first episode, you've only wasted 5 bucks.

  • telltale BL is different - perhaps I should give it a go

  • You should, its really good. Will help pass the time in between Game of Thrones episodes too :P

    telltale BL is different - perhaps I should give it a go

  • I honestly thought Telltale's Borderlands game was better than their GOT game, though that's just an opinion.

    telltale BL is different - perhaps I should give it a go

  • Only thing about GOT game is that one flipping achievement hasn't popped - i wish i could do something about it!

    Currently bashing The Wolf Among Us - will move to BL next i think :)

  • You enjoying Wolf Among Us? It's one of my personal favorites.

    Only thing about GOT game is that one flipping achievement hasn't popped - i wish i could do something about it! Currently bashing The Wolf Among Us - will move to BL next i think

  • Very much so, up to the pint i have ust had another achievement not pop - lol - the game itself is epic!!

    You enjoying Wolf Among Us? It's one of my personal favorites.

  • And let's say you've completed The Wolf Among Us Season 1, what then?

    How about picking up Vertigo comics' Fables books yeah? Pretty sure there's no such thing as too much Bigby. And they're really good.

    Very much so, up to the pint i have ust had another achievement not pop - lol - the game itself is epic!!

  • I might, I finally have got that last achievement - so i am 1000/1000 on that, I just have to get the bugged one from GOT to unlock now, then onto Borderlands! - Hopefully the additional episodes will come out soon :)

    michael911 posted: »

    And let's say you've completed The Wolf Among Us Season 1, what then? How about picking up Vertigo comics' Fables books yeah? Pretty sure there's no such thing as too much Bigby. And they're really good.

  • "Also, when will the other Episodes be released??"

    S like sometimes, O like often, O like occasionally, N like never.

  • Yes. More episodes definitely coming out soon next month! Telltales GOT is the best game of thrones' game ever! Hodor! Lol xD

    I might, I finally have got that last achievement - so i am 1000/1000 on that, I just have to get the bugged one from GOT to unlock now, then onto Borderlands! - Hopefully the additional episodes will come out soon

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    I've actually seen someone on TrueAchievements have that happen in a Telltale game, where somehow one chapter didn't give an achievement. It's an easy fix though. Just rewind back to that point in the story and play that chapter (it will automatically create a new save state, so you don't have to worry about anything, and you can easily erase that save afterward too if you don't want it).

    Lately, the episodes have been releasing about 2 months apart, so it's best to expect that the same will happen for their latest series too.

  • Hi Jennifer - I'm on TrueAchievements - add me - IronManTStark

    The best thing i have found it to replay the episode on a brand new save location - worked on both the glitched achievements on TWAU and GOT!

    I'll be starting BL later, can't wait!!

    Jennifer posted: »

    I've actually seen someone on TrueAchievements have that happen in a Telltale game, where somehow one chapter didn't give an achievement. I

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