MacPro - crashes every 15 min

I've recently installed this game through Steam on my MacBook Pro. Here are the specs:

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014)
3 GHz Intel Core i7
16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Intel Iris 1536 MB

I am running the game in full screen mode and it keeps crashing every 15 minutes. In episode 1 it has crashed in numerous scenes both whilst loading and in gameplay: toads apartment; prince Lawrence's apartment; and outside the apartment blocks where Faith is killed. Generally I can reopen the game and continue past the previous crash only to have another crash not long after. I have tried changing both resolution and game quality but without any luck so far

Please find the following links below:

Any suggestions would be most appreciated. This is a fantastic game and I would very much like to play it without it crashing.


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Here are a few possible solutions:

    1) Restart your computer

    2) Play the game with your computer disconnected from the internet

    3) If your Mac has multiple graphics cards, go to your system preference and click on ‘energy saver’. Uncheck ‘Automatic Graphics Switching’ and this will make sure your Mac is using your more powerful graphics card.

    4) Verify your cache if you purchased through Steam (

    5) Try playing the game with no other programs running in the background

    6) Reinstall the game

  • edited December 2014

    I'm also having similar issues. My specs are:

    MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010)
    2,4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
    Running OSX Yosemite Version 10.10.1

    It seems like my crashes happened in similar locations. The first crash was while investigating Toad's Apartment and then another two crashes in Lawrence's Apartment. After that, I switched Steam to offline mode and I was able to finish the rest of Episode 1 and the whole of Episode 2 with no issues. But it then crashed at the start of Episode 3 after leaving the building.

    Support tool report is here:

    I pasted the latest crash report (the Episode 3 crash) here:

    I've restarted. I tried playing with Steam in offline mode (though I didn't play with my internet connection completely disabled and that still wouldn't be ideal because it also prevents achievements from synching), I don't have multiple graphics cards so point 3 isn't relevant to me, I've verified my cache and I double checked that no other programs are running. So short of completely disconnecting my internet and reinstalling, I've tried the suggested methods.

    Any further ideas?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please clarify if you made the choice to go to Crane's apartment in Episode 3? There is a known issue we are looking into where Mac users are crashing when choosing to go to Crane's apartment in Episode 3, but choosing a different place to go to at the decision point, allows them to continue playing without experiencing the crash. I recommend rewinding to the beginning of the Episode, and try choosing a different path, and see if you are able to progress successfully.

    BuffelBek posted: »

    I'm also having similar issues. My specs are: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010) 2,4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA GeFo

  • Having the same problem. Sometime's the game's graphics/audio go out of sync and sometimes theres a black screen but i can stil hear the audio/see subtitles and can pause but still see a black screen when i unpause. This is for any episode of the game, although I've just finished episode 2 and it crashes when its about to say "Next time on The Wolf Among Us"

    Can you please clarify if you made the choice to go to Crane's apartment in Episode 3? There is a known issue we are looking into where Mac

  • Hi,

    I have the exact same problem on my Macbook Pro. It keeps crashing every ~20 minutes, either completely exiting the game and saying "The game has been terminated unexpectedly" or I get a black screen/other graphic glitch but I can still hear the sound. I've tried everything suggested above but it didn't work.

    It's been this way ever since the start and it keeps happening now that I'm playing Episode 2. I'd appreciate a solution for this, as it's really taking away from enjoying the game :(

  • edited December 2014

    The episode 3 crash happened at the very beginning, right after leaving the Open Arms. I tried again later and managed to get through the whole of episode 3 with no crashes, but then I got a crash at the start of episode 4 during the initial conversation with Colin and Snow. It just seems to be very difficult to track down the crashes, since they happen intermittently. I'm starting to wonder if they might be happening when I spend a lengthy amount of time playing without a break.


    I was finally able to finish the entire season by rebooting after each episode and after each crash. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say the issue is most likely due to a memory leak somewhere in the game.

    Can you please clarify if you made the choice to go to Crane's apartment in Episode 3? There is a known issue we are looking into where Mac

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Thank you for providing the extra information. I will make sure to pass it along to the team for further investigation. Can you please clarify what resolution/graphics settings you are currently playing with in-game?

  • Hello I also have this problem and changing the settings or any of the above ideas will not help. The game crashes on at least every second load screen no matter what i try.

    Thank you for providing the extra information. I will make sure to pass it along to the team for further investigation. Can you please clarify what resolution/graphics settings you are currently playing with in-game?

  • Same exact thing happens in mine. Always crashes on second load screen. I would love to receive an email when this issue is resolved, for I simply can't keep playing the game like this. Hope it gets fixed since I'm really enjoying the game.


    • MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)
    • Processor 2.5 GHz Core i7
    • Memory 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    • Graphics Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB

    Graphic Settings:

    • Graphics Quality: High
    • Texture Quality: High
    • Antialiasing: On
    • Full Screen: On
    • Resolution: 1024 x 768
  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, please try the workaround for players using Mac OS 10 Yosemite, below:

    1) In System Preferences, select Displays, then select Scaled - More Space to change the screen resolution to very detailed.

    2) In System Preferences, select Dock, then deselect 'Automatically hide and show the dock', to be able to click on the bottom of the screen.

    3) Start up the game and run it in windowed mode using the Mac shortcut (Command + F).

    4) You should now be able to see the main menu now and change the screen resolution to one that fits the window.

  • How does this help with the periodic crashes?

    My apologies, please try the workaround for players using Mac OS 10 Yosemite, below: 1) In System Preferences, select Displays, then sele

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If it is a graphical issue causing the crash, changing the display settings on your system may resolve the issue. Can you please clarify if you are playing the Steam version of the game, or the Telltale Games version?

    Arvids posted: »

    How does this help with the periodic crashes?

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