Best series so far and it's only episode 1

I'm really amazed by the game. To be honest i didn't expect such interesting developement right from the start. And i must admit that the choices in episode 1 were far the toughest (for me personally) from all other Telltale game series so far. I just wanted to admire the developers as well , as Telltale is surely making one of the most hot products in the game industry right now. Cheers and happy holidays to all.


  • I wouldn't say it's the best series, but it is great :P

  • the choices in episode 1 were far the toughest (for me personally) from all other Telltale game series so far

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  • That's good, personally I think Tales From The Borderlands is gearing up to be their best series, but that's just me.

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    dojo32161 posted: »

    That's good, personally I think Tales From The Borderlands is gearing up to be their best series, but that's just me.

  • One episode and already best series? I wouldn't say it's "best first" episode. It was good but I enjoyed "Zer0 Sum", "A New Day" and "Faith" more.

  • edited December 2014

    I can see where you are coming from, honestly. I loved this episode but I would say its too early for this to already be classified as their "best" series :P

    But, being a huge fan of the GoT show and books, I can't wait to see the rest of this game. If the story/plot advance well in the next couple of episodes, then yeah - this could definitely be their best series IMO.

  • Hyped after playing an awesome game? Yeah i know that feeling.

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  • edited December 2014

    I honestly do think it has the potential to be their best work, though it is far too early to say what it is going to be with any sort of certainty. It was a great first episode, and set up a very solid and interesting foundation for the coming episodes. Here's to hoping Telltale can keep the quality coming.

  • "For me personally"

    He's allowed an opinion separate to yours, friend.

    Flog61 posted: »

    the choices in episode 1 were far the toughest (for me personally) from all other Telltale game series so far

  • edited December 2014

    I agree completely.

    It goes to show that the majority of people on the forum are mostly from TWDG, myself included, but TWDG alone. A lot of them have never read the books, never watched the show and therefore don't appreciate how spectacular it is to interact with the GoT characters.

    People don't seem to understand the ruthlessness of GoT and how willing people are to stab you in the back to better their position - Allies are important, and with every choice I made, I felt like I fucked up because I was screwing over someone else. It was amazing to interact with Cersei and Ramsey - but I know how they can be from both the books and the show which adds a whole new layer of pressure when you know what they're capable of.

    Obviously it's impossible to say if the rest of the Season will live up to the standard of Episode 1, but this Episode was far better than the whole of TWDG Season 2 combined.

  • I know it's just episode 1 , but i literally had to re-load the game 5 times(cuz i was 50/50 in all of them and couldn't decide what's better) and i have never done that in the other games from Telltale, not even once. I also like all other series as well , huge fan of the Borderlands games , but i wasn't that hyped after playing the first episode from Tales from Borderlands. In the GoT you have to play 3 characters and all of them completly diffrent. In the 1 part you have to satisfy Cersei , by saying things you didn't want to say and in the next you have to speak to Ramsey Snow who doesn't give a fuck about anything. Don't get me wrong , i love all games from Telltale , but i think this is the toughest when it comes to decisions.

  • Maybe it is too early to say it is the best series. But it was certainly a good episode and I find myself really caring about the protagonist and their families.

  • Shut up, Alex.


  • I thought Episode 1 was a decent start to the series. I definitely wouldn't say its Telltales best series to date, but it was enjoyable. I am definitely looking forward to the rest of the series. I was planning on waiting until Telltale released the physical copy of the game before buying it, but I just couldn't resist playing the 1st episode. I decided after Walking Dead Season 2 that I wasn't going to buy individual digital only episodes from Telltale anymore as I prefer to have physical copies when made available and because of this, I have basically wound up buying most of Telltale's games twice. I wind up buying the digital episodes as Telltale releases them and then I wind up buying the physical copy when Telltale releases that version. Just a total waste of money. Unfortunately, I just couldn't resist buying the first episode of Game of Thrones. Now I have to wait 6-9 months before I play the rest of the series. Its just a shame that Telltale doesn't offer a discount on the physical copy, for those people that have already purchased the game digitally. Oh well, it is what it is.

    If there is one aspect to these games that I really find disappointing, its the animation quality.To be perfectly honest, its pretty horrid. It didn't bother me so much with their earlier titles as Telltale was still woking on nailing down their signature style for these games. Not to mention, they weren't nearly as successful back then and quality animation can definitely add to the overall cost of a game. Of course, Telltale is FAR more successful today and could definitely afford to up the animation quality. Why they have chosen not to do so is a mystery, one that is definitely starting to effect my overall enjoyment of these series. Such a shame too as these games could really look so much better than they currently do. Aain, I just don't get it.

  • edited December 2014

    ...did I say he wasn't?

    Obviously people are allowed a different opinion to me. I made an entire thread about respecting other peoples opinions when people were blowing each other up over Kenny vs Jane.

    I was just surprised that someone had the opinion. As in..

    'I really like to eat raw gelatin'


    But by all means keep the incessant cynical comments coming, guys.

    I feel more the target of an Inquisition than DA:I's big bad right now. Can't say anything without people going 'you say that because you hate kenny u hater' or 'you hate other people's opinions' or whatever.

    But as I say, keep it coming. It's fun.

    Gonna try to channel sera to withstand it.

    'Sera was never quite the quietest girl

    her attacks are loud and they're joyful

    but she knew the ways of nobler men

    and she knew how to enrage them'


    Echopapa posted: »

    "For me personally" He's allowed an opinion separate to yours, friend.

  • Animation quality is decent. I think that Telltale want to give everybody the chance of playing their games and not some next level machines and that's why they don't touch the quality. I consider the quality in TWOM as best from all 4 games so far.

  • ^^^^^^^

    This 10x. I basically said the same thing in my comment above. Game of Thrones has so much potential in a game like this and based off of the first episode they seem to be doing a good job. If the good work continues/increases, then the potential for it to be their best work is really high.

    Belan posted: »

    I honestly do think it has the potential to be their best work, though it is far too early to say what it is going to be with any sort of ce

  • TWOM? You mean TWAU?

    Niko1990 posted: »

    Animation quality is decent. I think that Telltale want to give everybody the chance of playing their games and not some next level machines and that's why they don't touch the quality. I consider the quality in TWOM as best from all 4 games so far.

  • Suggesting that people who don't think GoT is the best telltale game just don't 'understand' it is rather silly.

    And ironic, considering you mistakenly told me that I have to respect others' opinions on the first page.

    (Mistaken in the sense that I WAS respecting his opinion).

    Echopapa posted: »

    I agree completely. It goes to show that the majority of people on the forum are mostly from TWDG, myself included, but TWDG alone. A lot

  • We all get it. You're proud of yourself for having an opinion, it's... normal. Especially for a woman (don't embarass me confirming you're a man, would you?)

    But don't you say that people are targeting you. In the internet, everyone's got their eyes angrily staring to the loud and joyfully argumented and opined arguments and opinions... Hate is for everyone. Always.

    For heaven's sake, it just a "really???" reply, brother!! xD

    Flog61 posted: »

    ...did I say he wasn't? Obviously people are allowed a different opinion to me. I made an entire thread about respecting other peoples op

  • You seem to just be looking for an argument, but also you have misunderstood entirely.

    I have never stated that people who don't think GoT is the best title from TTG don't 'understand' and I'm curious as to how you interpreted my words this way. I'll make it easier for you.

    As a lot of people playing this title have little to no experience in the Game of Thrones universe and haven't gotten to know the characters, they are unable to appreciate just how spectacular it is to interact with the cast of characters. That's not to say people don't "understand", but they have no knowledge of not only the universe, but the characters themselves, and therefore cannot appreciate to the same extent what a brilliant piece of insight into the universe this game has the potential to be.

    There's no "mistake" - You have to respect others opinions, not only is that how the world works, but those are the rules the moderators have laid out. As I have already stated, I'm not disrespecting others, I'm simply stating how it's a shame the majority cannot appreciate this opportunity to the same extent as others can.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Suggesting that people who don't think GoT is the best telltale game just don't 'understand' it is rather silly. And ironic, considering

  • Let's just hope telltale doesn't fuck up the 4th episode.

    Since all 4th episodes have been the worst in their universe.

    "Around every corner" , "In Sheep's clothing" and "Amid the ruins" were the worst episodes of their critically acclaimed titles.

  • I disagree. "Around Every Corner" was my favorite episode in TWDG 1 and 2.

    BTTF Episode 4 wasn't the best though, but I did like Jurassic Park's fourth episode (which was its final since it was a 4 episode season)

    This probably has to do with shoving every last plot detail down our throats for the finale.

    Game of Thrones 'fourth episode' would probably be Episode 5 of it, to cram the details to us.

    Let's just hope telltale doesn't fuck up the 4th episode. Since all 4th episodes have been the worst in their universe. "Around every

  • I felt Iron From Ice fell short of the recent TellTale Games first episodes. I found it interesting, but not particularly engaging. The Gared and parts with Tyrion were my favorite and had me engrossed.

    I feel like Zer0 Sum was a better episode, but Iron From Ice was pretty cool to me. Episode 2 is where things should show their true colors.

  • It's definitely the most replayable Telltale game and the most I have played any Telltale episode.

    I never played a TWD episode more than a couple times.

  • Flog is a dude. :P

    We all get it. You're proud of yourself for having an opinion, it's... normal. Especially for a woman (don't embarass me confirming you're a

  • I'm no more 'proud' of myself for having an opinion than anyone else here.

    We all get it. You're proud of yourself for having an opinion, it's... normal. Especially for a woman (don't embarass me confirming you're a

  • edited December 2014

    This is why I interpreted your words as such.

    "People don't seem to understand the ruthlessness of GoT and how willing people are to stab you in the back to better their position - Allies are important, and with every choice I made, I felt like I fucked up because I was screwing over someone else. It was amazing to interact with Cersei and Ramsey - but I know how they can be from both the books and the show which adds a whole new layer of pressure when you know what they're capable of."

    How is that paragraph relevant if not saying that it is related to people not considering GoT to be the best series?

    If I was indeed disrespecting opinions so dramatically as you suggest, then I would have been banned a long time ago, as that would conflict with the forum rules.

    I don't see why I should bother responding to your claim of me misunderstanding when you completely ignored mine, but anyway, that's the nature of hypocrisy.

    Echopapa posted: »

    You seem to just be looking for an argument, but also you have misunderstood entirely. I have never stated that people who don't think Go

  • I literally just explained that quote to you in intricate detail.

    I don't see why I should keep replying when you keep dodging reason entirely and twist my words so dramatically - I've never even used the words "best series" in either of my replies nor suggested those who think differently or wrong.

    Once again, you've blown my words out of proportion - I didn't claim you were disrespecting others, nor did I say you've done it on a large scale. You're either reading far too much into my words, or your twisting them to try and find a point to your argument, but you seem to be struggling greatly.

    sigh I thought we could have a conversation like two intelligent people, but it's like I'm explaining it to a kitten.

    I'll make it much, much simpler for you. You. Are. Not. Understanding. My. Words. Correctly.

    There's no hypocrisy there, that's just the truth. You don't have a point, you twist and misunderstand my words, but I'm a hypocrite. Makes perfect sense.

    Flog61 posted: »

    This is why I interpreted your words as such. "People don't seem to understand the ruthlessness of GoT and how willing people are to stab

  • edited December 2014

    There is hypocrisy when I explain to you that you misunderstand my words and you just plum ignore me when you get angry that I do not understand your own.

    Your comment 'he's allowed an opinion different to yours friend' implies that I do not know that already, which means that I did not think he was allowed an opinion, which means I was not respecting it.

    That is when you said I don't respect people's opinions, kitten.

    Echopapa posted: »

    I literally just explained that quote to you in intricate detail. I don't see why I should keep replying when you keep dodging reason ent

  • Oh my Lord... you're upset about an entirely different comment, yet you reply to me here? That says it all really.

    You've just shown how you're reading far too much into it. "He's allowed an opinion different to yours" means "He's allowed an opinion different to yours" If I meant differently, I would have told you.

    As I stated above, I didn't say that, you've read far too much into it and gotten something different entirely out of my words, which explains this whole conversation really.

    Are we done here? Or have you found an actual point relevant to the conversation at hand, and not an entirely separate comment?

    Flog61 posted: »

    There is hypocrisy when I explain to you that you misunderstand my words and you just plum ignore me when you get angry that I do not unders

  • Episode 2 is where things should show their true colors.

    Agreed. I felt like Episode 1 was very introductory and just setting it up. When I finished the episode, it kinda reminded me of "A New Day." Nothing overally exciting happened, but I was hooked nevertheless because I knew the rest of the episodes were gonna pick it up.

    So yeah, Episode 2 should be just as exciting a plot as "Starved for Help" did, and so on.

    I felt Iron From Ice fell short of the recent TellTale Games first episodes. I found it interesting, but not particularly engaging. The Gare

  • Oh... I see that. You're normalish proud. That's convenient, truly convenient... :P

    Okay then, just don't think I meant you were a faggy boy. I just guessed your a woman, it's nothing particularly offensive at all. Pardon me for it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm no more 'proud' of myself for having an opinion than anyone else here.

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