Amazon Download Code

I bought a download code on amazon, and it only gave me the code. I figured this was to be used on steam but that didnt work. it gives very little information, but someone said you download the game directly from telltale's site. Where do I go from here?


  • edited December 2014

    I'm in the same situation, except I'd like to have a Steam code instead of a Telltale code, if possible. Amazon won't provide a refund so I'm sort of stuck. My fault but every other game code I have gotten from them was for Steam, so I assumed- didn't even think Telltale would have their own activation scheme.

  • You can redeem the product code here.

  • hi, Like original poster, i have purchased game code from amazon. I copied and pasted the code in the redeem link you posted, all it says is "Uh oh! Sorry, that gift code could not be found. "

    Can you help?

    Macfly77 posted: »

    You can redeem the product code here.

  • pardon me. ignore my ignorance. didn't realise my code from amazon was meant to activate thru Steam. Got it sorted already.

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