Was ***** Forester a good lord?

What do you guys think? If Ethan have been more prepared and given enough time, would he have become a good lord when it comes to ruling and keeping his land and people safe?

The fact that Ramsey kills Ethan, you can see it as Ramsey considering that Ethan would become a great threat if he is allowed to grow up.


  • I guess it entirely depends on the way you play your Ethan, but I think my Ethan would be well-liked by the civilians and fair, but would not be able to hold the land for long in a war situation because of his general submissiveness and lack of courage/self confidence.

  • edited December 2014

    No, the adults literally do all the thinking for him. He's a figurehead.

  • Not really, it was his choice to choose the sentinel and his choice on how to go about with the Ramsay situation, keep in mind we only saw him for like a day I think on the job so we wouldn't really know. :P

    Flog61 posted: »

    No, the adults literally do all the thinking for him. He's a figurehead.

  • It was his choice to choose the sentinel because it legally had to be.

    All he did with ramsey was fallow the advice of older more experienced men. He didn't come up with any ideas himself.

    Green613 posted: »

    Not really, it was his choice to choose the sentinel and his choice on how to go about with the Ramsay situation, keep in mind we only saw him for like a day I think on the job so we wouldn't really know. :P

  • If it legally had to be his choice, then that's his job as king. How does it make him a figure head for doing his job? :/

    Flog61 posted: »

    It was his choice to choose the sentinel because it legally had to be. All he did with ramsey was fallow the advice of older more experienced men. He didn't come up with any ideas himself.

  • Because the way government figureheads work is that they do the public expected stuff and have theoretical power over others but other people pull their strings in the actual running of the government.

    Green613 posted: »

    If it legally had to be his choice, then that's his job as king. How does it make him a figure head for doing his job?

  • The kid had control over people's lives. For instance the punishment of the thief, somebody's life was in your hands and you chose his fate. Also the final decision on the food situation in the Forrester stronghold felt like it could have some impact later in the story like most of the decisions that Ethan made.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Because the way government figureheads work is that they do the public expected stuff and have theoretical power over others but other people pull their strings in the actual running of the government.

  • All characters in telltale games have control over peoples lives, all characters make choices that have ramifications later.

    That does not make one a good leader.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    The kid had control over people's lives. For instance the punishment of the thief, somebody's life was in your hands and you chose his fate.

  • I think that would have depended on your choices as Ethan if we were given more time to play as him.

  • Better young leader than Joffery.

  • Well, for one thing its determinant. You can't call Lee a good leader or a good father-figure to Clem mainly because it depends on how you play him. That being said, I think Ethan would have been a good leader if you played him right. He can be smart, knows who to put first, and he does have good men to help him as well as the counsel of Lady Forrester.

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