what do you want to see in upcoming episodes



  • Yeah I did change everything . Sorry about that (:

  • Sarcasm?

    K0t0 posted: »


  • I'd at least keep some whores next to me therefore. Or shouldn't it be him to do it?...

    Have to fight him = have to die

  • Hard, You say??? Ha Ha HA

    Tawrum posted: »

    The choice between Stannis or Tommen. Hard choice, something that fits this game.

  • "For anyone at Ironrath would agree that there's no image lovelier than that of Talia"

    Choombi posted: »

    obviously not, i meant a non-canon death. also, nice avatar :P

  • :) That's having ambitions, real ambitions

    The plot to advance more. Episode 1, as much as I loved it, was very introductory hence the "Your Story Begins" in the end. I want the plot

  • Lord Snow is smarter than that to let Gared come back south and have the possibility of being a deserter. Remember Jon wanted to join his "family" before? I rather see Gared having a wrong impression of Stannis (one that can convince us) and range past the Wall and the Haunted Forest, yet break rules in order to find the North Grove (he'd be supported constantly by Duncan, secretly), and then get lost, alone, until you "find yourself" and have the choice of going either to Shadow Tower or Eastwatch, since you've got word that Stannis and the Red Woman are in Castle Black. The route is then East or West, while truly it is North or South, making you go to either Castle Black and be taken to the fire sacrifice or go to the Land of Always Winter. That's how I'd like to see his plot ending, in resume.

    But your ideas are real cool as well thou.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    Royland attempting to free himself from his service to Ramsay Snow (it is obvious to me that he is in the pay of House Bolton) and becoming

  • What was the original thread about I mean?

  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited December 2014

    The original thread was asking people if they had any suggestions on what TTG games could do for upcoming episodes on GOT. They could have been suggestions on anything got related . :)

    What was the original thread about I mean?

  • I am just looking forwards to seeing more cast members on the show in game. iwan rheon in episode 1 just hit his lines spot on, while also being a dark humour. Peter Dinklage was amazing. Really looking forward to seeing Kit Harington.

    Iwan Rheon who plays Ramsey Snow/Bolton is a singer too. A pretty good one too. I don't know, I really think this wouldn't happen in show or game (since tell-tale games are all about the dialog) but it would be funny/disturbing if Iwan sing one of his lines. It would be really dark seeing Ramsey singing.

  • Would like to see a bit more of Essos. I understand they cannot show much on the tv-show since it is very expensive to build the locations instead of going to the woods and film there but for the game it shouldn't be such a big difference.

  • When you think of the how long it takes a season of the show is roughly 10 hours (10 episodes) whereas the game will presumably be 12 hours (6 episodes) so we should have more than enough time to advance the plot just as much- if not more.

    The plot to advance more. Episode 1, as much as I loved it, was very introductory hence the "Your Story Begins" in the end. I want the plot

  • 1, 2, 3, 4,5, Once I skinned a man alive!

    I am just looking forwards to seeing more cast members on the show in game. iwan rheon in episode 1 just hit his lines spot on, while also b

  • edited January 2015

    yeah something like that. take a like

    hayd24 posted: »

    1, 2, 3, 4,5, Once I skinned a man alive!

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