Question to Telltale Staff about YouTube False Claims

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

I have a little question to Telltale Staff. Do you know that someone called "Internet Televizyonu" claimed gameplay videos of Game of Thrones to be their intellectual property? So currently they monetize almost on ANY VIDEO on Game of Thrones uploaded by ANY GAMER on YouTube. If Telltale has any connection with them - I have no further questions (though I am a bit surprised why not claim those videos by Telltale's own name). As I read in some other discussion on forum before Telltale has no problem with different Let's Plays and other stuff with their games uploaded on YouTube till gamers don't start monetizing those videos. And I have no problem if Telltale wants to monetize on those videos themselves (like do some of the video companies), but I feel disgusted if some copyfraud jerk that put no effort into making either game or video wants to make "easy money" out of it.

So, does Telltale has any connection with "Internet Televizyonu" or not? And if not are you going to protest this to YouTube? Since I'm not a copyright owner (as well as any other gamer) I can't protest False Copyright Claim (thanks to stupid Google rules), only copyright owner can.

Thank you in advance.


  • The video itself IS their intellectual property isn't it?

  • edited December 2014

    No. It IS NOT.

    1. If any gamer captures video from any game - that doesn't make him owner of intellectual rights of this video. The same is if you record a live concert of a pop star etc. That's explicitly written in any legislation on this issue.

    2. But the "fun thing" in this case is that they even have nothing to do with the video itself! They claimed ALL THE RIGHTS on ALL VIDEOS that are captured and uploaded by OTHER GAMERS on all of the YouTube. That is: I captured a video, uploaded it on YouTube and in the settings to the video Google states that all intellectual rights on this Game of Thrones Telltale video belong to "Internet Televizyonu". So there will be advertising put on it and all the revenues will go to "Internet Televizyonu". Technically that means that they claimed not exact video that they uploaded but claimed the Content ID for that video as their exclusive intellectual property. That means that if any gamer that uploads a video on YouTube that contains at least part with the same Content ID - the whole video would be claimed as property of owner of the Content ID. In this case - "Internet Televizyonu". And if that's a swindler (that I suppose it is) I won't be surprised that if Telltale uploads something - it may receive the same surprise news that their video of Game of Thrones belongs to "Internet Televizyonu" and Telltale violates their intellectual rights.

    Imho, that's a classic YouTube Copyfraud, when some f... fraudster claims all the rights on something (usually game or public content) he has absolutely no rights on. But the problem with Google is that if you're not copyright owner you CAN DO NOTHING to protest this stuff. There is just no valid option to protest False Copyright Claim even on the video that you captured and uploaded yourself unless "I'm the copyright owner... bla-bla-bla..."

    Flog61 posted: »

    The video itself IS their intellectual property isn't it?

  • Ok. I wasn't sure what Intellectual property they had claimed specifically.

    Jake75 posted: »

    No. It IS NOT. * If any gamer captures video from any game - that doesn't make him owner of intellectual rights of this video. The same

  • edited December 2014

    I bet not.

    @ArthurV you might want to have a look at that, or bring it up (you're the only Telltale member except for maybe @puzzlebox who is online often, so sorry about the randomness)

  • It makes sense that you can't protest the false copyright claim since it isn't your copyright to protect. Could you imagine the amount of fale copyright claims those poor employees would have to go through?

    Jake75 posted: »

    No. It IS NOT. * If any gamer captures video from any game - that doesn't make him owner of intellectual rights of this video. The same

  • edited December 2014

    Well, it makes sense in terms of Google profits, not in the terms of "justice" or "rights". There is an option to flag a video on YouTube (for nudity, abusive content, etc.) And actually I see nothing wrong or tragic for Google YouTube business model if there was an option to report false copyright. Of course noone asks to react to EVERY such report. But if there is A HUNDRED or A THOUSAND of those reports (and in case with popular games that numbers can easily be achived) Google could at least ask for some proof that the uploader actually has any rights for content it claims to be his. Because there are serious doubts about that...

    Psyentifik posted: »

    It makes sense that you can't protest the false copyright claim since it isn't your copyright to protect. Could you imagine the amount of fale copyright claims those poor employees would have to go through?

  • ...So another user claimed the copyrights for other player footage of Telltale's Game of Thrones series? Sounds odd. I definitely think Telltale would do it in their name, even though they don't typically go out of their way to restrain people from sharing footage in the first place.

    Moderators are only community volunteers and not Telltale staff, but I'll see if I can't bring this to their attention.

  • ...So another user claimed the copyrights for other player footage of Telltale's Game of Thrones series?

    Yep. Exactly. Some "Internet Televizyonu". User, company or network. I don't know what it is.

    ...So another user claimed the copyrights for other player footage of Telltale's Game of Thrones series? Sounds odd. I definitely think Tell

  • edited December 2014

    Copyright is a messy business. If the copyright holder refuses to protect its copyright, that is their problem. Enforcing copyright is not profitable (for them) so I fail to see how an option to report false copyright fits in with their business model. Unless you can point out a cost reduction here but it seems your suggestion would create more work with no benefit.

    Reporting the possible infringement to the company is the best route to take, which you did. Good job. (I sincerely mean that, no sarcasm)

    Jake75 posted: »

    Well, it makes sense in terms of Google profits, not in the terms of "justice" or "rights". There is an option to flag a video on YouTube (f

  • edited December 2014

    Most of the time it's not a legitimate claim. I've been hit with claims a few times and they were false. Once I disputed it, it got cleared up in a few days. Mine was from "Lenok LTD".

  • I got this claim on my videos as well but now they're gone. Just wanted to say that...

  • Yes, now they have disappeared.

    I got this claim on my videos as well but now they're gone. Just wanted to say that...

  • Ever considered that people who upload lets plays are pathetic as are the people who watch them and TTG if not this saint of an individual was sending these people a message to do something with their lives?

  • I have considered that some content uploaded by certain lets-players is pathetic. That's not the word I would use to describe said lets-players, but what I thought of them was pretty arrogant and I put it behind me.

    K0t0 posted: »

    Ever considered that people who upload lets plays are pathetic as are the people who watch them and TTG if not this saint of an individual was sending these people a message to do something with their lives?

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