How Far will it go? [book and show spoilers]

edited December 2014 in Game Of Thrones

how far in the book/show plot do you think the game will go?


my guess is:beyond season 4 finale(it is show canon after all)

reason is, there only one mention of the house ever, which is an offhand mention of the forresters being scouts for stannis as he campaigns in the north against the boltons in A Dance With Dragons(see quote on left), and it really sounds like a waste to ignore that mention and end the game before it.


  • edited December 2014

    It's apparently meant to go from the start of season 4 till the end. Plus its TV canon

  • edited December 2014

    Like you said, end of S4 of the show. It is TV canon and I believe it was already confirmed thats how far the story would go.

    If in S5 of the show we see Stannis freeing Northern houses from Bolton rule, we can expect that to be seen in a possible S2 and thats where they will put it in the whole Forresters being Northern spies for him thing.

  • I heard it goes from the end of season 3 and stops right before season 5.

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