Why did the Crooked man's minions work for him ?

I'm talking about Bloody Mary, Tweedles, Georgie, Jersey. Crooked Man doesn't have any powers, he is not even a good shot, they don't need to be scared of him.


  • Money, influence, power. He had almost all of the Fabletown tangled in his loans, so his goons had unlimited power on the ones in debt. Nobody could say a word about them, report them, nothing.

  • Bloody Mary because as her codex stated the crooked man pretty much let her be as violent as she wanted, Tweedles probably did it for the money, Georgie was probably for the money for his bar or because he was forced too, and jersey I have no clue probably so the crooked man would give him a glamour to look like Stan lee.

  • I think they saw that he sank many in debt and were interested in the promise of wealth. With the exception of Blue Beard and Crooked Man who else has amazing riches?

  • edited December 2014

    The Crooked Man protected Bloody Mary and pretty much let her do as she pleased without being caught. The Tweedles seemed to do it for a slice of power; they don't seem like they could have done much on their own prior to the CM becoming involved in their lives. They seemed VERY loyal and eager to help the CM.

    Jersey comes off as a guy that does not care what happens to him; think he joined because the CM made him a sweet deal. Bigby seemed surprised when he found out Jersey was back in their town. Perhaps he was forced out at one time and the CM gave him a chance to return and be a part of something.

    And Georgie, hate to say this, seemed forced; he and Vivian opened the club as a gimmick and a way of living. It was difficult for them looking for work, so to avoid WORKING in places like the Pudding n' Pie, they made one for themselves. The CM must of came around and used the club as a BASE for the money and power. To avoid Georgie OR Vivian telling Bigby, he threatned to kill either Vivian or possibly both.

    Although he had NO powers, the CM was indeed a powerful man. Just listen to his nursey rhyme....

  • ^This answers the question perfectly!

    Also remember in CM's Book of Fables entry, he killed his family, that guy is messed up...

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The Crooked Man protected Bloody Mary and pretty much let her do as she pleased without being caught. The Tweedles seemed to do it for a sli

  • Well, Jersey's story is based in South Jersey so it would make sense Bigby would be surprised he is there. The CM presents himself with a certain style, class, and attitude which embodies affluence and wealth. That alone is something any gravitate too. Jersey, Tweedles and Bloody Mary can be as deviate as they want with almost no reprecussions. So it makes a good marriage so to speak. As for Georgie, he was strongarmed into it. I assume Crane was a regular in the PNP and CM found out. He threatened Georgie to give him control of the club then got the picture of Crane to gain influence on the town itself.

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