ideas for next season

seeing how this first episode was , i wonder how the season will end..

what if season 2 was with a new house ? or new characters ?


  • A little early for this topic isn't it? But I wouldn't mind staying with the same house or switching with a house but I think if we switch houses, there should be a link to House Forrester.

  • Next season? A bit early to talk about that

  • yeah i know , is just to make conversation ^^

    prink34320 posted: »

    A little early for this topic isn't it? But I wouldn't mind staying with the same house or switching with a house but I think if we switch houses, there should be a link to House Forrester.

  • I understand but allot of people are going to be saying a bit early for this topic but it's still a nice thing to think about :3

    GCardoso posted: »

    yeah i know , is just to make conversation ^^

  • probably, but oh well .. just to see what people think :) for me , a house per season would be cool thinking how the books are maded but if they keep with house forrester i dont mind either

    prink34320 posted: »

    I understand but allot of people are going to be saying a bit early for this topic but it's still a nice thing to think about

  • yeah is just to make conversation

    Next season? A bit early to talk about that

  • Kinda early for this but I think it would be nice that in the next season we would still have characters from Forresters as protagonists but also some new ones from another house.

    And I hope we will march beside Stannis.

  • Kinda early but considering that HBO and Telltale signed a "multi-year, mult-season" contract I guess it's not entirely weird to be talking about it. Still bit early :p

    Well considering that Forresters are Northern spies to Stannis during his march from Deepwood Motte to Winterfell if they can incorporate Stannis freeing the houses in S5 of the show then S2 of the game could certainly be about that.

  • Kinda early, we haven't seen how this seasons ends so..

  • i'm seeing to many Stannis lovers in this foruns :P well it could be cool to play in the other side ... we'll see :)

    i wonder if it will have flashlights too .. i mean we didnt play with some House Forrester characters that seemed important

    Kinda early but considering that HBO and Telltale signed a "multi-year, mult-season" contract I guess it's not entirely weird to be talking

  • It could be something like, they marry off either talia or mira and then we follow them into their new house with all their new alleigances and problems?

    prink34320 posted: »

    A little early for this topic isn't it? But I wouldn't mind staying with the same house or switching with a house but I think if we switch houses, there should be a link to House Forrester.

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