Fav recent game?

I know that everyone here is a tru-blue fan of the classic LucasArts adventure games. But out of my own curiosity, what are your favorite adventure games of the last few years?
I've dabbled with many but not gotten very far. Which are the ones worth playing?
I've dabbled with many but not gotten very far. Which are the ones worth playing?
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Amerzone(nice adventure)
The Longest Journey is a great combination of interesting story, puzzles that (mostly) make sense, and excellent voice acting. It really was a long game too, which I know can turn some off, but for me is great. I am really looking forward to Dreamfall (Longest Journey 2).
Most other recent "adventure" games that I have played are more of the Myst variety with the 1st person perspective - and in my book that is not a "real" adventure game. It needs to be 3rd person - point and click.
off the top of my head, i recently enjoyed playing
syberia 1&2, the longest journey, runaway, tony tough, the moment of silence, broken sword 3.
haven't gotten around to playing many independent/free games, but the apprentice games were cool, and also that noir game which title escapes my mind.
one of the best is "The moment of silence" - wonderful graphics and cool story
"Runaway" was nice as well.
Im currently playing "Nibiru", very interesting plot. Puzzles a bit too easy though.
I guess that the "Splinter Cell" series doesn't qualify as an adventure series.
The Westerner (known in the US as Wanted)
Legacy: Dark Shadows (unrelated to the vampire soap opera)
The Longest Journey
Still Life
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Silver Earring
Dark Fall: the Journal
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
Nancy Drew: Secret of Shadow Ranch
Those CSI games
But I did play Syberia and was bored stiff. It seems crazy that they put so much detail into the artwork only to turn around and not let you touch or investigate *any* of it, unless it was crucial to advancing to the next puzzle.
I also played Longest Journey, which I really enjoyed, aside from the opening which I thought was incredibly slow. After being spoiled by the LucasArts games (especially Schafer's), which were brilliant at dropping you right into the middle of what's going on - filling you in on the bare bones necessary to motivate you to get going, and then filling in the rest later - TLJ's hours of dialogue-tree-as-exposition (with the occasional filler puzzle involving cramping and uncramping hoses in your yard) made me put the game down for a while... Fortunately I was convinced to play it the rest of the way through, because it does eventually pick up.
It's not at all recent, but the AG I'm slowly playing through now, for the first time, is The Last Express, and it's one of the best most enjoyable gaming experiences I've had in years... It does so many things differently than traditional graphic adventures (eg: realtime puzzles and interactivity up the wazoo), and it's got a great sense of style... good times.
I have played it. I don't mind paying to play. I've played many MMOs. I was just wondering why you liked it.