Mouse flipping on the edges of screen, not possible to center the mouse on given gamepoints
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Now to my problem. This is my specs file made with the GOT tool:
I am stuck after the trailer of the GOT when walking down the street finding the blood. Before I start to use WASD to walk down the road, I can use my mouse perfectly in every corner and all over the screen. After I start to walk (=start to use WASD), I can use my mouse only on the outer edges of the screen. It feels like it is glued there, only running vertically and horizontally when on the edges.
Using it in the center or near any "view point" (like the dead pig, trying to hit the bad guy with a sword or trying to choose the axe), I cannot move the mouse to those points. It might float around the points eventually, but most times not even getting away from the edges of the screen.
I tried it full screen and not-full screen mode in different resolutions (800x600 and 1920x1080). Both did not help. I also tried lowering the shown details, disabling v-sync in game and lowering the dpi resolution of my mouse. Nothing helped. I cannot play this game like this, as vial actions for the story cannot be taken. When I need to choose a talking descision, this is totally fine and works (it seems that WASD is disabled then). I believe it has to do with an interaction between WASD and using the mouse, as all other actions seem to work fine.
Please provide me a solution to this. I cannot play GOT with this huge fault.
Thanks in advance!
If you are experiencing issues starting a new discussion using Firefox, please try clearing your browser's history/cache and cookies, and you should be able to start a discussion successfully.
After looking over your Support Tool file, please try the following potential solutions:
1) Ensure you have the latest drivers for both your graphics card, and your computer’s BIOS
2) Restart your system
3) Unplug your any and all other USB devices other than keyboard/mouse, and plug in headphones to the audio out jack.
4) Verify your cache if you purchased through Steam (
5) Run the game as admin
6) Run the game in compatibility mode (right click on game’s icon, click properties, click compatibility tab , and we recommend running the game in Windows 98/ME ) (We recommend Windows 98/ME)
7) Reinstall the game
8) Make sure that the Steam application is not set to a compatibility mode (right click on steam and click properties, then check compatibility, and make sure that it is not checked to play in a different OS)
9) Disable Steam Overlay, if you purchased through Steam (
10) Opt out of the Steam Beta, if you purchased through Steam (