Problems with controller,for every telltale game.

I love every telltale game,but i can't play it with my PlayStation3 controller. What should i do?


  • On what system?

  • People play on PC with controllers.

    Drbg posted: »

    I would assume the playstation 3...

  • People play on PC with controllers.

    Drbg posted: »

    I would assume the playstation 3...

  • I would assume the playstation 3...

    On what system?

  • People play on PC with controllers.

    Drbg posted: »

    I would assume the playstation 3...

  • If you're playing on PC and using a PS3 controller but don't like it just switch to keyboard and mouse but if you're actually playing on PS3 I don't know what to say you just have to deal with it.

  • I don't wanna play with keyboard. i'm playing with PC (with PS3 controller).

    If you're playing on PC and using a PS3 controller but don't like it just switch to keyboard and mouse but if you're actually playing on PS3 I don't know what to say you just have to deal with it.

  • Telltale's games( like the most part of modern PC games) supports only Xbox-compatible controllers . I have the same problem, I tried Xbox controller simulator for my gamepad, but that just didn't work for me. You should look for some in the internet , I saw a program to use PS3 pad as Xbox , it probably didn't work on my pad because I have non-brand one.

  • You need something called 'DS3 Tool' or 'Motioninjoy'. That allows you to plug in a PS3 controller and lets it emulate an Xbox 360 controller so that it works with a PC. It takes a while to set up but it's worth it as barely any PC games have Dualshock support.

  • edited January 2015

    Like Jake said there are ways to trick games into thinking PS3 controllers are Xbox360 controllers, I haven't tried them since I don't own any PS3 controllers but perhaps you should look them up, the button prompts will be for Xbox 360 buttons though, so you may want to memorize the Xbox 360 layout.

  • Its not like you have a choice m8

    LukEP posted: »

    I don't wanna play with keyboard. i'm playing with PC (with PS3 controller).

  • You can hook up a Xbox 360 controller as well to your PC but otherwise you don't really have a choice lol

    LukEP posted: »

    I don't wanna play with keyboard. i'm playing with PC (with PS3 controller).

  • He probably doesn't have an xbox controller or this thread wouldn't exist....

    You can hook up a Xbox 360 controller as well to your PC but otherwise you don't really have a choice lol

  • For 1 game?

    Yeah I know, but you can buy a used Xbox 360 controller for like $15 if he is really desperate

  • Yeah I know, but you can buy a used Xbox 360 controller for like $15 if he is really desperate

    He probably doesn't have an xbox controller or this thread wouldn't exist....

  • Only for a few games then?

    @CrazedRabbit your comment got eaten but you said "for one game?" Well the OP states that he loves every Telltale game so if he plans on playing any future TTGs then he should just buy a controller that suits both those games and himself.

  • @CrazedRabbit your comment got eaten but you said "for one game?" Well the OP states that he loves every Telltale game so if he plans on playing any future TTGs then he should just buy a controller that suits both those games and himself.

    Yeah I know, but you can buy a used Xbox 360 controller for like $15 if he is really desperate

  • You can use X360ce or DS3Windows as an emulator maybe even DS4Windows would work. You can find DS3 emulators online.

  • He should buy one and stop being cheap. If your a steam warrior, you buy a Windows Controller. Stop crying about compatibility, microsoft wants their money. No Free Xinibit files.

    He probably doesn't have an xbox controller or this thread wouldn't exist....

  • for like $15

    Alt text

    Yeah I know, but you can buy a used Xbox 360 controller for like $15 if he is really desperate

  • As previously mentioned by others, use an emulator. x360ce was my favorite when I had a regular cheap usb PS-like controller. But I ended up buying an xbox one controller for other games.

  • edited January 2015

    pc don't support ps4 controllers unless you use an emulator so it isn't telltale's fault what you should do is get an emulator or if you don't do that just use a keyboard and mouse it isn't complicated at all with telltale in fact these games are better with those

  • extremely confusing. Just use a KB+M it's simple controls.

    LukEP posted: »

    I don't wanna play with keyboard. i'm playing with PC (with PS3 controller).

  • edited January 2015

    If you buy a PC controller I'd recommend getting a Logitech F310 F510 (Rumble/vibration version) or F710 (Wireless and rumble version) because it works with it's own code/firmware thing that is comapatible with a lot of games including some really old ones but it also works as a 360 controller with the flip of a switch, which is the controller that is compatible with most games including all of Telltale's stuff, they are also generally cheaper than a 360 controller but only for like 5$ and from experience I can tell you they are very durable and should work for quite a long time, well at least the WAY older version of it I used to have lasted for 5 years and that only broke because my brother left it on the floor and my dog destroyed it.

    So anyway if you want to consider purchasing other controllers I think this is a better alternative to a 360 controller, it's probably worth a mention that unlike the 360 controller the directional pad is actually pretty good which should be important if you like fighting games, platformers, shmups or other arcadey or retro stuff, I also like the triggers way more than the 360's, PS3 and PS4's triggers, they aren't as good as the Dreamcast and Gamecube Triggers but I think this are the best ones after those out of any controller I've used...

    I pay too much attention to these kinds of things, also I haven't tried it yet but I think they also work on 360 and I know the older version worked on PS3 so it might even work as a spare controller if you like to play split-screen or something of course this is a theory based on my experience off the previous version and the fact that it emulates a 360 controller on PC, sadly I don't have a PS3 anymore and I've never had a 360 so I haven't been able to test this.

    Though I would like to add that it sucks that Telltale isn't willing to add propper Mouse & Keyboard support for their games, that means fixing the mouse movement (It feels incredibly off and a bit unresponsive and can lead to accidentally not making any choices or choosing the wrong thing), adding shortcut keys for dialogue in the keyboard like how in the controller they are bound to A,B,X and Y and how in TWD S1 they were bound to the 1,2,3 and 4 keys and rebindable keys because some people find other key bindings to be more comfortable and let's be honest here none of these things can be too hard to do and like I mentioned they did some of these things in previous games so it seems really lazy that some of these features aren't on the newer ones.

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