Choices Query

Hi I have played a number of telltale games and have enjoyed each greatly. I am always interested by the statistics at the end where you can view the percentage of players who have chosen each of the options during the major choice sections of the game. The two most recent games I've played (Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones) have directed me to this website to view my choices however I cannot seem to find them and on my profile it states that I have played no games. I thought this was due to the fact that I play the games on my Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles but after viewing the settings it stated my account was linked to my Xbox profile. I was just wondering the correct method to view my choices or if this was a glitch in the website.


  • Sorry I believe this should have actually been posted on support but I just realised I posted it here and can't seem to work out how to post there anyway. :)

  • Although I am starting to look like an idiot I have now realised I am in fact in the right place lol. Soz new to the site.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited January 2015

    Please try going to the game's Choices pages, and see if you are able to see your choices here:

    Game of Thrones Choices

    Tales From The Borderlands Choices

  • Each of these sites say I have no choices yet.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please clarify if you are able to see your account as linked successfully from this website? You can see this by clicking your profile image in the top right corner, then clicking Settings from the drop down menu. On your Settings page, it will state which console/account you are linked to under the Link Up Your Telltale Account section.

    Each of these sites say I have no choices yet.

  • Yes in this menu it says 'linked to Xbox live'.

    Can you please clarify if you are able to see your account as linked successfully from this website? You can see this by clicking your profi

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, if you are still unable to see your choices after you have completed either a part of the episode, or the whole episode, please note that we are currently looking into an issue where player's Choices pages are not updating on our website. We hope to have a solution in the near future. Please also note that your choices are stored safely within your save files, and will be able to be viewed once the issue is resolved.

    Yes in this menu it says 'linked to Xbox live'.

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