What Game Of Thrones Character do you look like the most? (Pics if you have them) :) (GOT EDITION)

Now before anyone is going to say you ripped off "What the Walking dead Character you look like the Most" So hear me out.
I took Inspiration from Lee4ever, and his Thread was going on forever, nonstop. So why not make a Tales of the Borderlands and Game of Thrones
And if this keeps going for fucking Months I will shoot myself in the head. ;-; This is proof people like Selfies..
I look like Sam from the Night's watch. Except I'm blonde.
Note: You don't have to Look like the Telltale Game of Thrones, you can do both of the Show and the Game itself.
You can type out what you look like, or post a picture.
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"So share your pics."
-WalkerHunterMark, 2015
;_; y u do dis to me
I guess the closest one might be Gendry or Renly....so clearly I'm a Baratheon.
i have no idea srry lol
So in on this thread. Seven hells.
Nah, nah, nah. I think it/him/her/whatever confused this for a Hobbit lookalike thread, not a GoT one.
Looking like Thorin Oakenshield and shit. Really, it's uncanny.
Ygritte I suppose
No confusion here. Just thought it would be funny to put it side by side to a bearded GOT character
And fuck, comparing me to a hobbit? You must be real popular with girls where you're from.
I look like the Hound probably.
Psh, whatever you say, Larry.
Your eyelash game is strong, but it's not deceiving me.
[Mod edit: Insult removed] Wouldn't kill you to be nice.
Yeah lmao you probably look like Ygritte the most
^ Arya Stark
I agree

It's a joke one or two times. Literally, I just went through your 25 most recent comments and all of them save one or two have been filled with hate or extreme rudeness.
No one wants that kind of attitude on these forums and you think having gotten banned once would have you taught you that. So I would suggest you clean up your act before everyone gets absolutely tired of your BS.
He got banned once, I thought he would have learned his lesson.
@WintefellCantGetUp My comment got eaten but I'll post it again so everyone can see -
It's a joke one or two times. Literally, I just went through your 25 most recent comments and all of them save one or two have been filled with hate or extreme rudeness.
No one wants that kind of attitude on these forums and you think having gotten banned once would have you taught you that. So I would suggest you clean up your act before everyone gets absolutely tired of your BS
Yeah banning doesn't help. He was still able to pm me.
Not while banned.
No he was actually banned and still pm'd me. I don't know how, but he did.
There's a difference between a playful jab and just plain being a d*ck to people.
Not once was I a dick to anyone. So "you look like Omid in drag" is acceptable, but saying that a person's photoshopped picture resembles Thorin Oakenshield is too far? Do you see how illogical that is? Probably not. I find it funny that all three of you showed up out of nowhere at exactly the same time.
Hurr durr, give up while you're behind.
I am always watching...
K kid.
You're always being mean to someone. This isn't the first case of you being doing this, like Shubba said everytime you're on the forums you're being mean to someone.
You were born in 2000.
Lol nope, try harder.
And you're an ahole who can't treat people with respect, we've established that.
You do realize that you posted your facebook account instead of the picture, right? I don't know about you, but I would take it off.
I know, changed it to imgur to be safer. But I can't upload the photo by itself, it shows an error...
Ramsay Snow or Jon Snow.
Maybe Grey Worm.