Do you think Ramsay Snow will turn out to be the good guy



  • Hmmm maybe when........the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When mountains blow in the wind like leaves and rivers run dry.

  • Does anyone take into account that he's a child of incest, his childhood was complete shit and he's been on his own his whole life

    zarankinas posted: »

    nope hes a terrible bastard and he will die a terrible bastard

  • edited January 2015

    Yes and that is a sad thing. Still it's no excuse for all the sick and evil things he does, if his bastard blood and bad childhood rules out him being a better and healthier human being then it's better that someone kills him already.

    edit: oh, btw Ramsay is not child of incest, just bastard.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Does anyone take into account that he's a child of incest, his childhood was complete shit and he's been on his own his whole life

  • Nope Mike is actually right. That's the exact reason Ramsay was written that way.

    Endrik posted: »

    Then Martin and the Show failed, because Theon looks like a little bitch, like always

  • I don't thinking flaying an innocent man and killing a child would make anyone good.

    Especially Ramsay "The Bastard" Bolton-Snow

  • I'm terrified.

    Hmmm maybe when........the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When mountains blow in the wind like leaves and rivers run dry.

  • Its not an excuse its an explanation

    Yes and that is a sad thing. Still it's no excuse for all the sick and evil things he does, if his bastard blood and bad childhood rules out

  • He's as close as you get. He's a monster in human skin.

    Clemenem posted: »

    That's deffinitely a little bleak. He's not Satan

  • Wasn't he always the good guy?! Or did I miss something. ;o)

  • Ramsay Snow is a monster through-and-through. His light side is long gone.

  • edited January 2015

    Well yes, with that I can agree with you. Though not every kid with shit childhood turns into psycho.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Its not an excuse its an explanation

  • edited January 2015

    Jack Gleeson is a scholar. He's won awards. Apparently, he's brilliantly smart. I think I read that he's going to become a professor or something. I respect that.

    Ah no. This is what Jack Glasson said on quitting acting: "The answer isn’t interesting or long-winded. I’ve been acting since age 8. I j

  • edited January 2015

    No, they didn't fail. Anyone would look like a bitch, as you say, under horrific torture. Let's see you get flayed, beaten senseless, get held down and have your man parts cut off and not crack. And thats not to mention the psychological torture Ramsay put him through.

    Endrik posted: »

    Then Martin and the Show failed, because Theon looks like a little bitch, like always

  • I think in this case it is black and white. Book Ramsay has no redeeming values whatsoever. He's even physically repulsive. Even his horrible father thinks he's a monster.

    Jere85 posted: »

    It's GoT. There is no black and white. Ofcourse Ramsay is a torturer, a sadist and all in all not a fun fellow to be around. But in the lon

  • If you're talking about Ramsay, he's a child of rape, not incest. Half of Westeros are children of incest.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Does anyone take into account that he's a child of incest, his childhood was complete shit and he's been on his own his whole life

  • I don't say i'd be better in his position, but the show just fails to make me feel simpathetic towards Theon. He was a little cunt before, and is a little cunt after becoming Reek.
    I felt no simpathy for him, nor felt sorry for what happened to him. The only reaction I had when watching his capture is "meh, the little bitch deserves it"

    I fucking hate that manlet

    KCohere posted: »

    No, they didn't fail. Anyone would look like a bitch, as you say, under horrific torture. Let's see you get flayed, beaten senseless, get he

  • Yeah I heard that he was a scholar and professor is respectable, but don't assume he is going to be one. unless you did read it somewhere don't assume he will be one.

    KCohere posted: »

    Jack Gleeson is a scholar. He's won awards. Apparently, he's brilliantly smart. I think I read that he's going to become a professor or something. I respect that.

  • Isn't that what I said? I think I remember reading that sometime ago. I wasn't assuming anything.

    Yeah I heard that he was a scholar and professor is respectable, but don't assume he is going to be one. unless you did read it somewhere don't assume he will be one.

  • Sorry no it sounded like you were assuming. Ok so he has retied for good. I can't say I blame him, I just hope he doesn't blame himself for all the hateful comments he heard from fans.

    KCohere posted: »

    Isn't that what I said? I think I remember reading that sometime ago. I wasn't assuming anything.

  • No. Nope. No way.

  • edited January 2015

    "Do you think Ramsay Snow will turn out to be the good guy"

    Alt text

  • Whatever you say

    Sorry no it sounded like you were assuming. Ok so he has retied for good. I can't say I blame him, I just hope he doesn't blame himself for all the hateful comments he heard from fans.

  • edited January 2015


    Alt text

    definitely no.

  • Alt text

    Nope. He's crazy and creepy as f*ck.

  • edited January 2015

    Shes dead in the books. And he DID love her actually. She raised him and she's the one who put it into his head to get his father to legitimise him no matter what. He's also convinced his father loved his mother when in reality he raped her. Also he did in fact kill Domeric.

    I doubt, Ramsay hates being a bastard and, even if Roose is really the one to blame for it, his mother might in his mind be the reason of hi

  • He had half his followers burned at the stake at the suggestion of Melisandre. And he made the rest watch.

    Hrulj posted: »

    How did Stannis wrong anyone?

  • And also to show Ramsay shirtless because MEOW.

    The whole thing didn't even happen in the books and that scene was one of the worst in GoT so meh... I think the main point of it is just to show how fucked up Theon is.

  • cough cough Beric Dondarrion and Catelyn Stark cough cough

    The chances of Ramsey turning good is as high as all the people he have killed getting resurrected.

  • His father declared him Lord of Winterfell. Yeah. Hes soooo ready to be rid of him.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    At this point, in the books at least, it is becoming a bit hard to understand how Ramsay survives at all. No one really has a reason to lik

  • Yeah hes pretty definitely evil. Hes also one of my favorite characters right up there with Dany and The Hound.

  • edited January 2015

    Not only by comparison, but also by actual character interaction.
    Heck, Ramsay makes Joffrey look almost human.

    Mikejames posted: »

    Pretty sure that Ramsay Snow was created to be as horrific as possible in order to help make Theon look sympathetic by comparison.

  • By abusing Davos' loyalty, by betraying his given word to Renly, by using both Melisandre and R'lorr to further his ambitions, by time and again desecrating places and burning people out of political convenience alone, by toying with the idea of sacrificing his nephew to appease Melisandre.

    He is a very developed (and bloody) specimen of political hypocrite.

    Hrulj posted: »

    How did Stannis wrong anyone?

  • edited January 2015

    Stannis never abuses Davos's loyalty. Without Stannis Davos would be living in flea bottom along with his entire family.

    What word did he give to Renly? Renly betrayed him and refuses his offer of peace, instead prefering war.

    What is wrong with using Gods and Magic? Tergaryens used Dragons.

    He never burned anyone out of political convenience. If you read the books you would know that.

    He doesnt want to sacrifice the nephew to apease Melisandre, he wanted to sacrifice him to wake up the stone dragons.

    LuisDantas posted: »

    By abusing Davos' loyalty, by betraying his given word to Renly, by using both Melisandre and R'lorr to further his ambitions, by time and a

  • Hey. Read the books. And you're right on the stone dragon thing. But he burned several people out of political convenience. Any one who expressed the slightest disagreement with any of his ideas got burned. This is not the sign of a good king. They made the same point about a good king listening to his advisers to both Joffrey and Tommen.

    Hrulj posted: »

    Stannis never abuses Davos's loyalty. Without Stannis Davos would be living in flea bottom along with his entire family. What word did he

  • Not true. The only ones Stannis burned was Alex Florent for trying to marry his daughter off to Lannisters or give her hostage to them. I am sorry but that is an act of treason.
    Davos constantly disagrees with him, and does things that Stannis doesnt aprove of. Yet Davos isnt burning.
    Whenever Stannis was asked to sacrifice people to Rhlor he said "Pray harder".

    retroberrii posted: »

    Hey. Read the books. And you're right on the stone dragon thing. But he burned several people out of political convenience. Any one who expr

  • yeah.. I'd have to go with a big fat NO.
    Even if he died and reincarnates, just a maybe.

  • Alt text

    ...are you, um, unfamiliar with the books/show?

  • Will he ever end up being a good guy? Heh. No.

    However will he do something that ended up being good? Yeah.

    He's psychotic and therefore likely not to be consistant with his practicial decisions.

    Think about in the game. He may side with the Foresters for a moment to show the Whitehills to not take him for granted. Was his intentions good? No. But he may end up being a odd figment of hope.

    However NOTHING will change the fact he's mentally unstable and the only thing consistant about him is cruelity for the sake of entertainment.

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