Is Sir Rolend Ned Stark in disguise?



  • Kind of get the impression OP doesn't watch the show.

  • Or is a massive troll

    Echopapa posted: »

    Kind of get the impression OP doesn't watch the show.

  • littlefinger can't be joffery's mother, he's reek disguised as ramsay.

    No no no you got it all wrong. Littlefinger is Joffrey's mother, Varys is Tyrion's.

  • edited January 2015

    Alt text

  • Arya Stark is really Cersei Lannister. She teamed up with the Red Priestess and Hermoine Granger to create Polyjuice potion through the sacrifice of Renly Baratheon and Strong Belwas. Given the mental and physical prowess of the two men, the Polyjuice potion is especially potent, and it will last until winter comes. The exact whereabouts and activities of the real Cersei Lannister are unknown. There are theories out there than the entire Daenerys storyline is just a delusion of Cersei's as she rots in the Moon Cell because she stepped on the Blackfish's cat.

    Even with all that said, this theory of yours makes no sense.

  • No offense but I hate that gif xD

  • Trolling intensifies

  • This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read.

  • bump. This needs to be seen.

  • Why

    JonGon posted: »

    bump. This needs to be seen.

  • Arise dead thread. I command thee.

    JonGon posted: »

    bump. This needs to be seen.

  • No. Just plain no.

    This isn't the case of Rattleshirt swapping places with Mance Rayder when Stannis tries to burn Mance.

  • i was eating a hotdog when seeing this

  • Royland is the only person I know who would say "Eddard Stark was smart." Ned was a dumb fool and was too honorable and thick headed, even Robert knew it. With that said I'd say Eddard sailed to Essos with the help of Varys, learned the ways of the facelessmen, traveled back to the north, killed Ser Royland and became him

  • Are you sure you watch GoT?

  • Everybody chill out and have some bacon!

  • I have read a lot of theories on this forum, but this one has to be the dumbest one.

  • edited August 2015

    Oh mighty Satan ressurect this dead thread and give it your immense power, power to make people laugh at dumbness that is contained in that tread.

    Seriously why must people bring back always the dumb threads?

  • Nope not at all , Degore says multiple times that following the starks was a mistake ,

    Clemenem posted: »

    Royland is the only person I know who would say "Eddard Stark was smart." Ned was a dumb fool and was too honorable and thick headed, even R

  • Yeah he did. Replay episode one

    alikir34 posted: »

    Nope not at all , Degore says multiple times that following the starks was a mistake ,

  • He never said following the Starks was a mistake.

    alikir34 posted: »

    Nope not at all , Degore says multiple times that following the starks was a mistake ,

  • Please tell me you're joking

  • In episode 5 i think , just after they took arthur's body on the corpse cart , he says something like that to Rodrick "Where have we gone wrong, why must the gods continue to shit on this house ? following the starks"

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    He never said following the Starks was a mistake.

  • he probably is so idk why people are overreacting when it is clearly a joke theory - ps tolispro nice pic (breaking bad was my 2nd favorite series of all time - 2nd only to got)

  • He was contemplating how things went wrong not actually saying they shouldn't have done it, he says things like "what did we ever do to them? Follow the Starks? obey the rule of law?"

    alikir34 posted: »

    In episode 5 i think , just after they took arthur's body on the corpse cart , he says something like that to Rodrick "Where have we gone wrong, why must the gods continue to shit on this house ? following the starks"

  • OH MY GOD tag your spoilers

    Choombi posted: »

    littlefinger can't be joffery's mother, he's reek disguised as ramsay.

  • Oh boy I missed this thread xD

  • What the fuck



  • edited August 2015

    Oh , just watched again you're rght , sorry ;)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    He was contemplating how things went wrong not actually saying they shouldn't have done it, he says things like "what did we ever do to them? Follow the Starks? obey the rule of law?"

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