Loyal to the Night's Watch or to House Forrester?

So how will you play Gared once he reach the Wall? Will you be dutiful and loyal to the Night's Watch or will you try and aid House Forresters as best as you can?


  • That's all gonna depend, when "The Lost Lords" comes out, on how you the player choose to have Gared act when he is at The Wall. I don't know how you are playing Gared, coming off of the choices you made in episode 1, but I seem to have a good idea how I'm playing Gared.

  • No doubt he will have some thinking on that but I think he will realize that what NW is fighting for is more important than Forrester's problems. It kinda feels like Duncan doesn't get the concept of Wall. He talked about Gared representing house Forrester there but that's bullshit. Maybe if one of Gregor's sons joined NW they would at some level represent Forresters but in Gareds case no one cares if he once was lord Forrester's squire, now he's just one of the brothers in black, nothing else.

  • I was puzzled by what Duncan has said as well. He told Gared to become a ranger but that would mean that he has to say his oath and serve The Night's Watch for the rest of his life.

    No doubt he will have some thinking on that but I think he will realize that what NW is fighting for is more important than Forrester's prob

  • Depending on Gared's story at the wall, I think I will have him be loyal to the Night's Watch. I know it is far fetch considering the majority of the Order consist of criminals and exiled nobles, I hope Gared find comrades and brothers at the Wall other than Jon Snow.

    That's all gonna depend, when "The Lost Lords" comes out, on how you the player choose to have Gared act when he is at The Wall. I don't kno

  • Gared wasn't escorted by guards to the Wall. He wasn't trialed and is still a free man. He can still leave.

    Endrik posted: »

    Not much at what he can do anyway. Everyone who enters the watch is forced to swear to never leave the Wall for the rest of his life. If Gared wishes to go back to Ironrath, he'll have to escape somehow.

  • Not much at what he can do anyway. Everyone who enters the watch is forced to swear to never leave the Wall for the rest of his life. If Gared wishes to go back to Ironrath, he'll have to escape somehow.

  • The ideal for me is having him start loyal to Forrester, but become loyal to the Night's Watch as time passes.

    But the story may interfere with that plan.

  • Yeah....The story interfered with my plans for Ethan...

    Tale posted: »

    The ideal for me is having him start loyal to Forrester, but become loyal to the Night's Watch as time passes. But the story may interfere with that plan.

  • edited January 2015

    If House Forrester needs Gared's help before he takes his vows, then I would leave the Night's Watch to go there. But I'm guessing that won't happen and we will stay at the Wall, and that's not a bad thing either. He won't be able to help House Forrester, but at the same time he will help the Night's Watch against the wildlings and maybe even make a good name for Forrester to Stannis when he comes to help, which can help the House in the future.

  • He has to wear the black from now on because people know who he is. Britt saw his face and isnt safe anywhere else but the wall, even if he were return to ironrath, Ramsay and/or Ludd are still going to kill him.

  • I'm really curious to find out what the North Grove is. Most likely I will stay loyal to the Night's Watch but try to help out House Forrester on the sly.

  • edited January 2015

    The best possibility Gared has is to enter the Watch, swear the vows, serve and fight along, all that with another identity. He will be useful for House Forrester at the Wall (Since the North Grove is something in the Lands Beyond the Wall by the clues), and he will be useful for the Night's Watch at the Wall as well. But, changing his name makes him free to serve both: the "Brother Gared" could die yet the Squire Gared lives; the Brother Gared could obey to something Squire Gared wouldn't. That is the best hope he has to still keep himself truthfully loyal to something.

    And when was the last time you heard the tale of a family that got wiped out and after that simply a estranged relative comes and takes the name, words and bannermen and continues the house as if nothing had happened. It happens all the time, and Gared could do that in case the Forrester get estinguished.

    Yeah, I'll stick with my theory, since I'd rather be loyal to both ends, and so be ultimately loyal to Stannis, in a way that even his mood would have to forgive.

  • Agreed!

    The best possibility Gared has is to enter the Watch, swear the vows, serve and fight along, all that with another identity. He will be usef

  • I have the feeling a lot of idealists and people who've never watched the show/read the books will say something along the lines of "I'll be loyal to House Forrester all the way!"

    Once you've joined the Night's Watch, you let go of all allegiances to Houses, Kings and Lords, you're abolished of all crimes - you essentially start a new life as a Brother of the Night's Watch.

    Gared was cast out of House Forrester, maybe with good intentions at heart albeit he didn't deserve it, but a fat lot of good that did for the House. If it's possible, ideally I'd like to pull a Benjen - visit the House you're from, but your main priority and allegiance is the Night's Watch. If it comes down to it, between a choice of Forresters or Crows, I'm going to have to stay with the Night's Watch - besides, the punishment for leaving is death.

    Crows before hoes.

  • Lol! Crows before Hoes!

    I think you coined it buds!

    Echopapa posted: »

    I have the feeling a lot of idealists and people who've never watched the show/read the books will say something along the lines of "I'll be

  • Loyal to the Night's Watch because I don't wanna be killed XD.

  • I just hope Gared finds Erik, My Ethan sent him to the wall. Would be fun.

  • So did I. Have a feeling Erik is gonna try to kill him XD

    Jere85 posted: »

    I just hope Gared finds Erik, My Ethan sent him to the wall. Would be fun.

  • edited January 2015

    Both. I won't speak ill of House Forrester, and will try to help them as much as I can from my current location. But I don't plan on isolating Gared from his fellow Crows, or jeopardizing his position in the Night's Watch either.

  • edited January 2015

    Goddamit i don't wanna be loyal to that gods forsaken Stannis and his fire witch

    If House Forrester needs Gared's help before he takes his vows, then I would leave the Night's Watch to go there. But I'm guessing that won'

  • Why would you not be loyal to the One True King?

    Endrik posted: »

    Goddamit i don't wanna be loyal to that gods forsaken Stannis and his fire witch

  • I'm loyal to Stannis but not Mel. If he sits the Iron Throne I hope she's dead by then.

    Endrik posted: »

    Goddamit i don't wanna be loyal to that gods forsaken Stannis and his fire witch

  • Because I hate all the general R'hollr bullshit and everything related to it

    Why would you not be loyal to the One True King?

  • Loyal to Jon Snow, the King in The North!

  • Same, not a big fan. Like I said I want Stannis to sit the Iron Throne but hopefully Mel will die and Davos will be able to convince Stannis to not enforce R'Hllor on everyone.

    Endrik posted: »

    Because I hate all the general R'hollr bullshit and everything related to it

  • Gared can't leave the Night's Watch, even as an "heir"(of which he isn't in any capacity) to a noble house. It's desertion, and people who desert the Night's Watch are hunted down and killed like dogs. If he did somehow make it to the house and begin ruling it with everyone loyal, the entire house and its bannermen would be considered rogue by the Seven Kingdoms, no better than bandits. It would be assigned to the warden of the North, Roose Bolton, to kill them all.

    The best possibility Gared has is to enter the Watch, swear the vows, serve and fight along, all that with another identity. He will be usef

  • Loyal to my self as i Always am.

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