Jorah Mormont

Anyone think it's likely given we're going to get Daenerys eventually, that we might see Jorah, too?
Bear Island is literally just across the water from Ironrath, so Jorah would definitely know the Forresters.
I can't remember how long Jorah's been exiled in Essos, but it's not implausible that he may have met Asher
when he was younger and recognise him. Seems like an obvious connection to make in order to help build up
Asher's character, especially given they're both exiles from the same place.
Although now that I've said that, Telltale will probably miss this opportunity entirely.


  • See Jorah? I'm sorry but that's kind of a silly thing to hope for.

  • Says the guy with threads "Is Ser Royland Ned Stark in disguise?" and "Is Oberyn Martell The Mountain?" :D

    See Jorah? I'm sorry but that's kind of a silly thing to hope for.

  • Says the guy with threads "Is Ser Royland Ned Stark in disguise?" and "Is Oberyn Martell The Mountain?"

  • edited January 2015

    If we do see them together, we better get to see Jorah be friend zoned for the 12109000th time.

  • Alt text

  • I doubt Asher will be in Essos for more than episode or two. The odds of the son of some petty Lord (in a company brimming with them) coming within a hundred feet of Dany or her advisors seem slim. But screw sense; cameos for all!

  • I doubt Asher will be in Essos for more than episode or two

    Considering that the last episode slide shows Dany, I have a feeling Asher will be in Essos for the whole season.

    I doubt Asher will be in Essos for more than episode or two. The odds of the son of some petty Lord (in a company brimming with them) coming within a hundred feet of Dany or her advisors seem slim. But screw sense; cameos for all!

  • Alt text

    Says the guy with threads "Is Ser Royland Ned Stark in disguise?" and "Is Oberyn Martell The Mountain?"

  • Probably not - I doubt Telltale could get Iain Glen to do it.

  • jorah? i only know him by lord friendzone

    Alt text

  • I think that this is a great connection.
    We know that Jorah falls out of favor, then gets sent away, just after Danaerys takes Meereen. Then we do not see him again until Tyrion is abducted by him in Volantis or Selhorys (i think).
    So that leaves time for some interactions with Asher, and like you said, they are both Northern Houses from near or on the Bay of Ice, west of Deepwood Motte. Both exiled for things their families disaproved of. I think that they would make for some interesting conversations about the state of the North, and the Starks. Or they could just be drinking buddies!

  • Jorah wasn't exiled. He fled Ned Stark and brought shame and dishonor upon his house.
    That being said I could see Jorah recognizing or having heard of Asher and introducing him to the Khalessi. Dany is eager to met anyone who comes from Westeros and no doubt would have interest in meeting Asher.

  • Being exiled and being forced to choose exile. Pretty similar. At least they both result in Exile anyways.

  • Jorah was given the choice of death or the wall. He is not exiled, up until Robert's pardon he was wanted for death.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Being exiled and being forced to choose exile. Pretty similar. At least they both result in Exile anyways.

  • Right, he was given the choice of death, or the wall. And he chose to go into Exile across the Narrow Sea to escape those fates.

    Exile is not only a sentence that is placed upon someone. It can also be chosen by a person, for various reasons.

    Jorah was given the choice of death or the wall. He is not exiled, up until Robert's pardon he was wanted for death.

  • He meant that he escaped jurisdiction like criminals today flee justice..but in Westeros the only place to go is to the east(vice versa for people from Essos)...
    Oberyn Martell was sent to the Citadel and later went to Essos when he was bored with maester training to end the Martells blood feud with the Yronwoods similar to the story with the Whitehills and Asher cept they didn't called it exile with Oberyn

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Right, he was given the choice of death, or the wall. And he chose to go into Exile across the Narrow Sea to escape those fates. Exile is not only a sentence that is placed upon someone. It can also be chosen by a person, for various reasons.

  • Slides never mean anything. Ex:See The Walking Dead season 1 and 2 and The wolf among us) :P

    I doubt Asher will be in Essos for more than episode or two Considering that the last episode slide shows Dany, I have a feeling Asher will be in Essos for the whole season.

  • But... that's not true. The only inconsistency I can think of in slides is Rebecca looking like she's about to give labor on the slide for In Harm's Way, and the old slide for A Crooked Mile.
    It's not like Telltale just puts random slides.

    Slides never mean anything. Ex:See The Walking Dead season 1 and 2 and The wolf among us) :P

  • House words - "Our Balls Are Blue"

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    jorah? i only know him by lord friendzone

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