Is Oberyn Martell the Mountain?

edited January 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I don't think he really died, I think Oberyn wasn't really fighting Gregor....I think he was fighting his worst fear...himself.

He killed his sister & her children but he can't come to tarms with what he did. He instead blames the "mountain" for what his sinful lust for his sister has caused him to do.

Is the mountain really Oberyn's inner demon coming out to haunt him? Leave your thoughts down below.

EDIT: I should probably mention that his sister(forget her name) is in theory alive disguised as Obara Sand, Oberyn's oldest "child"


  • omfg this must be troo

  • edited January 2015


    Also I felt the ned one was better



    Alt text

  • Dafuq is going on with all these threads here?

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    Dafuq is going on with all these threads here?

  • "Today is not the day I die" - Oberyn Martell on the day he died. Rest in pieces.

  • ......what?

  • That makes sense, you just should have worked on your words, everyone around here is so judgemental, critical and all those shit that, when something's oddly thought and expressed, it's supposed to be funny, and if something's supposed to be funny, than it's not, and will never be, funny indeed.

    That's what Martin wanted, a badass, invincible, 1000-issues-lasting-anime/comic-book-character, the Red Viper-like dude, to die out of his own flaws - his pride and etc. The Mountain is the unbeateable enemy, is the reason of his sorrow, of his grief, is his fear.

    Well said. But, you see, everyone that thinks the way you do is usually an awkward, an annoying figure to other people... So go write a book, that's worth way more than "trolling". You deserve mor ethan that son. Write my words and farewell.

  • Alt text

    That makes sense, you just should have worked on your words, everyone around here is so judgemental, critical and all those shit that, when

  • Thank you, that's exactly what i was going for :)

    That makes sense, you just should have worked on your words, everyone around here is so judgemental, critical and all those shit that, when

  • There's no way you could be doing this on accident.

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