Share your adventures that contained monkey island names, themes, or etc etc

I drove down to Ohio unviersity , the farthest drive of my life . It was good for me, I did it without error and there wasn't anything good on the radio but way too much country on so I listened to monkey island music for the 4 hour drive . 1 and 2 I pass murray city, I get there to pick up my sister and while helping to move her stuff to the car I pull a guybrush and tear the bags like a wild fein and stuff goes spilling out. We get all settled one road home has a detour and get sort of lost . I get out to look at a road sign , a hole creeps up on me in the now dark and I am in over my head a giant hole that I have to climb out of . I disappear of my sister's sight . If that wasn't enough after I climb out later I get pulled over by a cop and he calls in all his buddies to give me the drunk test individually , all 3 of his hence men. I wasn't druink, I was tired and pulled through a red light, and took the other lane a little too long. They took their time , and now I may loose my license for the summer.


  • edited June 2009
    I was around a friends place, and the door to one of the bedrooms kept on opening, then slamming shut, creating a really loud and unpleasant noise. When someone suggested they got a doorstop, without thinking I quickly said 'A REALLY EVIL LOOKING DOORSTOP?' in a really evil voice, and they all looked at me funny.

    True story.
  • edited June 2009
    Ok, gather around the campfire for this here story. Last summer I was in Lopburi, one of the oldest cities in Thailand. Anyway this city was quite bizarre. In the city centre there was this old temple where hundreds of monkeys were living. I was told that on some days in the year the monkeys disappear completely and are nowhere to be found. And then all of a sudden they return.
    Sounds almost like a plot for one of the new Monkey island chapters, huh?
    Anyway when I entered a restaurant, I saw this:
    That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen in Lopburi!
  • edited June 2009
    Where do you keep the monkey Paco? Where!?
  • edited June 2009
    I don't know anything about these missing monkeys. I swear. I just want to warn you!
    Beware of the monkeys! They are listening. And they'll eat your finger if you don't watch out.
    (Picture taken on Poda Island, Thailand)
  • edited June 2009
    Hehe, scary sign and then there's that little thing in the background with his back turned :)
  • edited June 2009
    Paco Vink wrote: »
    Ok, gather around the campfire for this here story. Last summer I was in Lopburi, one of the oldest cities in Thailand. Anyway this city was quite bizarre. In the city centre there was this old temple where hundreds of monkeys were living. I was told that on some days in the year the monkeys disappear completely and are nowhere to be found. And then all of a sudden they return.
    Sounds almost like a plot for one of the new Monkey island chapters, huh?
    Anyway when I entered a restaurant, I saw this:
    That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen in Lopburi!

    That looks like where they got the idea .
  • edited June 2009
    I once walk around the whole day telling people I wanted to be a pirate
  • edited June 2009
    Once, In a game of dungeons and dragons, my character wound up in possession of a human skull, so I started carrying him around and named him murray
  • edited June 2009
    Paco Vink wrote: »
    Ok, gather around the campfire for this here story. Last summer I was in Lopburi, one of the oldest cities in Thailand. Anyway this city was quite bizarre. In the city centre there was this old temple where hundreds of monkeys were living. I was told that on some days in the year the monkeys disappear completely and are nowhere to be found. And then all of a sudden they return.
    Sounds almost like a plot for one of the new Monkey island chapters, huh?
    Anyway when I entered a restaurant, I saw this:
    That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen in Lopburi!

    That is so cool. It would actually be quite an interesting idea for an MI game. LeChuck has monkeynapped the monkeys, including Timmy the Monkey, what's he up to? Well it's bound to be evil!

    Was it really touristy there? I mean obviously it was a tourist place, but did you have tonnes of Americans loudly saying how "quaint" the place was, or was it relatively quiet? Looks a nice place to visit :)
  • edited June 2009
    My grandparents have a house on this big lake and there are little islands scattered on it... One of the Islands is known as Goat Island because a woman kept her goats there instead of putting them in a fence so they had a nice little island to live on, trees, grass, water, even a little beach.... In the summer it was fun as a kid to take a row boat and explore the little islands... In fact I should do that with my kids sometime soon.
  • edited June 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    My grandparents have a house on this big lake and there are little islands scattered on it... One of the Islands is known as Goat Island because a woman kept her goats there instead of putting them in a fence so they had a nice little island to live on, trees, grass, water, even a little beach.... In the summer it was fun as a kid to take a row boat and explore the little islands... In fact I should do that with my kids sometime soon.

    That sounds like a trip to paradise , man . Sort of comical too , goat island, an old woman that lives on goat island. Anyways it sounds lovely , I was always a sucker for nature , and places that reminded me of the indians living outside in it .
  • edited June 2009
    Actually the woman would boat the goats on the Island and they had the thing all to themselves... Unfortunately... or maybe fortunately I dunno the DNR put an end to it many years ago.
  • edited July 2009
    Over the weekend.... I was visiting my grandparents for the fourth of July festivities and feeling adventurous and a little nautical because of all this MI madness I talked my brother in law into taking the single sail sail boat out on the water.... The thing is small but you still need two people to get the thing moving.... any way I decided to take a picture of Goat Island that I had mentioned in my earlier posts..... The Island no longer has the goats living on it that gave it its name but it does have a rather large black bear living there and a family of eagles..... I didnt spot the bear this trip but I did get a picture of mamma eagle in the second pic near the top of the tree... I got some of her babies but they are impossible to spot because baby eagles do not have the white heads like the adults do so they blend in with the trees.... She kept an eye on us the whole time. The picture really doesn't do her justice she was huge and this picture makes her look small.

    and YAR!!! those be storm clouds and it did rain that day...


  • edited July 2009
    Thank you for sharing this. That looks like a beautiful get away from things. I've camped before and roamed open forests in scout camp after back packing in some place but remote islands are cool . You have balls sleeping on a small island that a black bear lives on . I've seen black bears from a far but I don't think I'd go some place where I knew one lived . Cool pictures , I see the bird .
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