Is it normal to play an Ep 5-8 times?

My friends does.
If he sees it he'll know...


  • It depends... Someone plays an episode many times to know all the choices and all the consequences.

    Others play one time and are loyal to their first playthrough.

  • thats like saying is it a bad thing to replay a game like kotor 7 times [ i think thats how many run throughs i have done] there is nothing wrong with replaying games like this as sometimes you find stuff you never seen before.

  • Guess if you really want to. I would get bored of it after a while, which is why I've only played every Telltale episode twice so far.

  • I have played TWAU at least 5 times, TWD s1 three times, TWD2 2x. I usually play multiple times I see if I can play differently. There are certain decisions I can never deviate from though, no matter how many times I play.

  • That really isn't normal. What kind of normal person plays it that few times?

  • If someone really enjoys playing something they like, then it's normal to play it a lot. I know a few games I played over 10 times, already.

  • I don't know I guess it depends on the person. After 2 or 3 playthrough's I get bored of doing the same thing over and over.

  • I dunno, my track record:
    walking dead s1: 7 times
    walking dead s2: 3 times
    TWAU : 5 times
    GoT ep 1 : 5 times
    Borderlands : 1 time (not because its bad, just because... i dunno)

    I usually replay to be good or evil, and then some extra times with friends.

  • I do that if only to see/hear all the choices. Gotta get my moneys worth yo!

  • Depends. Does he like the game? A lot? Everyone's got a game or games they like enough to want to play over and over. Specific episodes of an episodic game should be no different.

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