Any similarities between The seed is strong and The North grove must never be lost ?

So I was rewatching the first season of GoT, and in an episode dont remember which one, Eddard Stark discovered that Cersei's children are not Robert's. "The seed is strong" is mysterious quote to show that the Barratheon gene is stronger than any other...
I always though that Ser Forrester wanted to protect his true heir, he also said to Garret: " you have more honnor than those who were born in it" speaking of people of House Lannister.
Any idea/theory?


  • I might not understand you correctly but if i do and you mean that garret is lord Gregors son that does not matter because that would make him a bastard.

  • edited January 2015

    I'd say the Stark parallels are close enough with the Forresters without giving the guy who goes to join the Night's Watch a mysterious parentage, as well.

  • Pretty sure the 'North Grove' is actually literally just a grove of Ironwood trees north of the Wall.
    There's nothing to suggest it's a coded message about a secret heir. And if that secret heir is Gared, why wouldn't Gregor just say 'By the way you're my son' before dying, instead of sending a cryptic message to Duncan?
    As for the line about 'honour', Gregor only says that if you chose a specific response, meaning it can't be that significant because two-thirds of players wouldn't have heard it. There's nothing to suggest it has anything to do with the Lannisters either, so I'm not sure where you got that form.

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