Playing without previous knowledge?

I've never watched the show and never read the books. Is it even possible to understand the game then?
Should I start watching the show, and if so, after how many seasons can I start playing? What's the timeline?


  • edited January 2015

    This game takes place after Season 3 Episode 9 and will continue on through Season 4's events. Watching the show and reading the books are not required, but you will be less confused at some parts and will understand the TV show characters' motives more.

  • Thanks a lot for clarifying!

    This game takes place after Season 3 Episode 9 and will continue on through Season 4's events. Watching the show and reading the books are n

  • You can play the game without having any previous knowledge, though you will miss out on some stuff that add to the whole experience.

    If you are gonna catch up, I would recommend at least finishing S3 of the show before you play Ep.1 (will probably have to watch S4 before you play through some of the other episodes) or reading the first three books in the series.

  • I played the game yesterday without having read the books or watched the show.I still enjoyed it although it was confusing at some parts.

  • edited January 2015

    You should check if a discussion you want to start already exists before making it, because there is a thread for this already and we don't need more than 1

  • I could do it, although I'd recommend playing through a second time, and then researching what you didn't understand. That's what I did. I've got a fairly good grasp of it now.

  • edited January 2015

    You could read some detailed plot summaries that people have made (try Wikipedia for example), that is what I did and I am able to follow what is happening very well. There are also some good video summaries people have put on YouTube too.

  • Just watch the show, it's a very good one.

  • edited January 2015

    When I played EP 1, i hadn't watched the show or read the books, so I was like "U Wot M8 (like hardcore MLG NooB hunter pros always say)" during the whole Episode.

    Now I've watched all 4 seasons of the show and read the first book and I gotta say they're super awesome, better than the game (sorry telltale).


  • Well the game is only one episode in bro...

    When I played EP 1, i hadn't watched the show or read the books, so I was like "U Wot M8 (like hardcore MLG NooB hunter pros always say)" du

  • Yes but still.

    The franchise is the books and TV show, the game is spin-off, a fan service. It is awesome, but not the main thing of the franchise.

    Well the game is only one episode in bro...

  • The Walking Dead game started as a fan service/spinoff as well but look how that turned out....

    But yeah, the show/books are amazing and its gonna take a lot for them to top that.

    Yes but still. The franchise is the books and TV show, the game is spin-off, a fan service. It is awesome, but not the main thing of the franchise.

  • If you plan on watching the series then you should watch it before playing the game. Trust me, it kinda sucks watching the show after playing the game and already knowing some people's fates 2 & 3 seasons afterward. It does not take away the appreciation of the acting or the politics of the show, but knowing the result beforehand takes away some of the suspense that builds up.

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