NoHopeLeft posted: »>:3 One of us. ONE OF US.
>:3 One of us. ONE OF US.
One of us. ONE OF US.
dojo32161 posted: »3:
Evil laugh
ComingSoon posted: »heuheuehuehuehueeuheue >:3
heuheuehuehuehueeuheue >:3
Strokes cat sitting on the arm of the chair
ComingSoon posted: »strokes beard >>>>>:3
strokes beard >>>>>:3
strokes beard
NoHopeLeft posted: »>:3 Evil laugh
>:3 Evil laugh
burns flames
NoHopeLeft posted: »>:3 Strokes cat sitting on the arm of the chair
>:3 Strokes cat sitting on the arm of the chair
Tosses flower into the fire
ComingSoon posted: »burns flames ><><><>:3
burns flames ><><><>:3
grins evilly and throws cat into fire
"Satan requested a sacrifice"
NoHopeLeft posted: »Tosses flower into the fire >:3
Tosses flower into the fire >:3
Puts on sunglasses and shoots evil CS in the face
"That's what you get for killing a cat you monster!"
ComingSoon posted: »grins evilly and throws cat into fire "Satan requested a sacrifice" >:3
grins evilly and throws cat into fire "Satan requested a sacrifice" >:3
doesn't die because i AM Satan
deep, evil laughter fills the room
NoHopeLeft posted: »Puts on sunglasses and shoots evil CS in the face "That's what you get for killing a cat you monster!" >B3
Puts on sunglasses and shoots evil CS in the face "That's what you get for killing a cat you monster!" >B3
ComingSoon posted: »doesn't die because i AM Satan deep, evil laughter fills the room >B3 B;3 B3
doesn't die because i AM Satan deep, evil laughter fills the room >B3 B;3 B3
Puts on priest outfit and grabs a bible and holy water
"The power of Christ compels you, bitch!"
shrivels up and then bursts into angel
(it's a halo goddammit)
NoHopeLeft posted: »"Hmm..." Puts on priest outfit and grabs a bible and holy water "The power of Christ compels you, bitch!" B3
"Hmm..." Puts on priest outfit and grabs a bible and holy water "The power of Christ compels you, bitch!" B3
"My work here is done"
Climbs on motorcycle and rides into the distances
ComingSoon posted: »shrivels up and then bursts into angel C:3 (it's a halo goddammit)
shrivels up and then bursts into angel C:3 (it's a halo goddammit)
screeching eagle
NoHopeLeft posted: »"My work here is done" Climbs on motorcycle and rides into the distances B3
"My work here is done" Climbs on motorcycle and rides into the distances B3
CS sits in the side car as the duo go on a supernatural like road trip
ComingSoon posted: »screeching eagle B3
screeching eagle B3
Woop, woop, woop!
ComingSoon posted: »woooooooooo
NoHopeLeft posted: »CS sits in the side car as the duo go on a supernatural like road trip B3
CS sits in the side car as the duo go on a supernatural like road trip B3
whooooeeeeeeeeee yipeeee
NoHopeLeft posted: »Woop, woop, woop! B3 B;3 B3
Woop, woop, woop! B3 B;3 B3
Hello c:
AAA_Jane posted: » [view original content]
Over 7K views on a thread with the only purpose being an emoticon what the fuck is this world comin too xD
Hey it's not my fault it's just that special ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Clemenem posted: »Over 7K views on a thread with the only purpose being an emoticon what the fuck is this world comin too xD
people are trolling 凸¬‿¬凸
ComingSoon posted: »Hey it's not my fault it's just that special ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
People are just jealous
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ualexen92 posted: »๏̯͡८๏ people are trolling 凸¬‿¬凸
๏̯͡८๏ people are trolling 凸¬‿¬凸
When they see me rolling they hate it...
ComingSoon posted: »People are just jealous ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
People are just jealous ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wow I want that bike O.o
ualexen92 posted: »✌◠‿◠ When they see me rolling they hate it...
✌◠‿◠ When they see me rolling they hate it...
ComingSoon posted: »<.<
supersagig posted: » [view original content]
CrazedRabbit posted: » [view original content]
ComingSoon posted: » [view original content]
NoHopeLeft posted: » [view original content]
ComingSoon posted: »;3
One of us. ONE OF US.
Evil laugh
Strokes cat sitting on the arm of the chair
strokes beard
burns flames
Tosses flower into the fire
grins evilly and throws cat into fire
"Satan requested a sacrifice"
Puts on sunglasses and shoots evil CS in the face
"That's what you get for killing a cat you monster!"
doesn't die because i AM Satan
deep, evil laughter fills the room
Puts on priest outfit and grabs a bible and holy water
"The power of Christ compels you, bitch!"
shrivels up and then bursts into angel
(it's a halo goddammit)
"My work here is done"
Climbs on motorcycle and rides into the distances
screeching eagle
CS sits in the side car as the duo go on a supernatural like road trip
Woop, woop, woop!
whooooeeeeeeeeee yipeeee
Hello c:
Over 7K views on a thread with the only purpose being an emoticon what the fuck is this world comin too xD
Hey it's not my fault it's just that special ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
People are just jealous
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
When they see me rolling they hate it...
Wow I want that bike O.o