
Whether you're talking about the not-so-closet homosexuality with Renly and Loras or the more 'progressive' views of the Dornish lifestyle, sexuality is a defining feature of 'Game of Thrones', in terms of character motivation, differing views on morality and prejudice etc. Sex can shape the overall narrative just as much as the politics, hierarchy and wealth or loyalty can.

So imagine if TTG allowed us to choose the sexual orientation of our playable character.

It wouldn't need to be a big thing, or integral to the plot (although it could affect decisions along the way if you want to stay true to the character you're shaping) and I suspect most players would just stay hetero-normative. But giving people the option to make a character, like Asher for instance, gay or even bisexual, if they were so inclined, would be quite a step forward in recognising the potential this has as a factor on the unfolding narrative. It may be as simple as having the character go into a brothel and be asked whether they wanted a male prostitute or a female prostitute (or both). Even if no more is said about it again, it would still have an effect.
Of course we know from Asher's backstory that he fell in love with Lord Whitehill's daughter, so the choice is already basically out of our hands there, but it's still something worth considering. Thoughts?


  • It would be interesting, but I don't see that happening.

  • edited January 2015

    It would make for an interesting addition to a character. But that's all it really ought to be. Homosexuals in a society like Westeros do three things; marry for politics, perform their marital duties once or twice, and woo the squire/handmaiden of their choice.

    As to the religious side of it, I don't believe it's treated with quite the same revulsion as in medieval Europe. Regarded as abhorrant? Perhaps. An afront to the Father and the Maid? Yep. But there's no reference that I can recall to people being disinherited, maimed, or killed for their sexuality. I think the worst you could expect is to be sent off to the Citadel/Silent Sisters by a disapproving parent. Mind you, that's all in relation to the nobility. How the commoners treat the matter is unknown.

  • edited January 2015

    I doubt it'd happen. That *sort of *suggests that sexuality IRL is a choice, which I can only assume would be frowned upon by quite a few fans.

    I don't think TTG would force the player into a romantic relationship with a character unless it was pre-established like with Bigby and Snow (and that never really went anywhere in the game), so I doubt they'll ever tackle it.

    The player can always headcanon stuff, though. They're meant to relate to the character as much as possible so exploring all their qualities even if it's just in your head is good as it influences dialogue choices and makes the character mean more to you even if it's not strictly 'canon'.

  • [removed]

  • Telltale aren't Bioware - no chance of that happening.

  • This is never going to happen.

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