Did this annoy anyone else?

edited January 2015 in Game Of Thrones

All of the Forrester family had southern england accents, but Ethan's was northern.
I didn't like his character anyway, but that just pissed me off every time he spoke.


  • I liked his accent. That's all.

  • So, I just read some of your past comments because I thought your named look familiar, and sure enough, you were the guy (or girl) I was thinking of that seems to be a critical person overall. So I'm not surprised to see a thread like this being nitpicky as it is.

  • To answer your question, no, because I'm not picky about things like that and I don't really care.

  • edited January 2015

    No need for the snarky malarky, pal. It was just a little wrong detail I noticed. People get annoyed at them all the time.

    Also, being critical is a good thing, so I don't follow.

  • It's a problem with the Stark family in the show, as well. It stopped bothering me a long time ago.

  • They're sticking with the show, and the same logic that's applied to the Starks there could be applied here, too. Their mother is Southron, and she's the person in charge of raising daughters and sons too young to be squires or pages. As such they'd pick up her way of speaking. Granted, it's a shoddy excuse.

    The real answer is, none of the child actors on the show were Northern or could pull of something close to Sean Bean's accent, so were probably told to stick with something natural to them. Hence Arya sounds a bit West Country. The reverse applies too though, with Robert, Stannis, Sam Tarly, and a few others. Their initial plan to divvy up regional English accents to each of the Seven Kingdoms went out of the window after the pilot.

  • I would have thought most people from outside of Great Britain wouldn't notice/realise or care.
    There are far too many accents in such a small area, for people to worry about keeping track of them all.

  • This.

    I would have thought most people from outside of Great Britain wouldn't notice/realise or care. There are far too many accents in such a small area, for people to worry about keeping track of them all.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited January 2015

    No. What annoys me is that Telltale continuously advertis that our choices matter when that clear isn't the case.

  • No they don't. They only say that it will affect how your story plays out, which it does to an extent. Don't be one of "those" people, there are plenty enough on the Steam forums for Game of Thrones.

    Cope49 posted: »

    No. What annoys me is that Telltale continuously advertis that our choices matter when that clear isn't the case.

  • I actually liked his accent.

  • I'm from 'Murica. Didn't notice.

  • Yeah, I am german. Didn't notice he had an other accent than the rest of the family. :P

  • Couldn't care less.

  • I'm sorry, who are you? That response doesn't make sense as I wasn't suggesting that whatsoever. Lay off.

    Misanthrope posted: »

    Hey, you're the one acting like someone else's opinion is lesser than your own. Grow up and stop being a hypocrite.

  • Hey, you're the one acting like someone else's opinion is lesser than your own. Grow up and stop being a hypocrite.

    No they don't. They only say that it will affect how your story plays out, which it does to an extent. Don't be one of "those" people, there are plenty enough on the Steam forums for Game of Thrones.

  • I'm sorry, who are you? That response doesn't make sense as I wasn't suggesting that whatsoever. Lay off.

    Misanthrope posted: »

    Hey, you're the one acting like someone else's opinion is lesser than your own. Grow up and stop being a hypocrite.

  • no...he did a fine job

  • edited January 2015

    Gregor was northern too and Asher seems to be northern from what we've heard.

    Elissa's voice is southern because she's from the South, and it seems like Mira's accent comes from her. If the painting in the hall is anything to go by, Mira spent a lot of time with her mother so she may have picked up her accent.

    Ethan is, as you said, Northern-accented.

    Talia seems to have a southern accent but I have a suspicion her VA is American because of how she pronounces certain words (Such as pronouncing Ethan as "Ethin")

    Ryon's also got a southern accent but he's voiced by a kid so you can't expect too much from him.

  • Their accents is one of the many things I loved in the game o_o

  • Maybe he wasn't an original Forrester like Snow? Plot thickens!

  • ^

    I'm from 'Murica. Didn't notice.

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