Fun game but with some issues.

I enjoyed my play through of Game of Thrones. It dint seem like my choices mattered much though which is a bit disappointing.

But I can see that the choices I made will probably be more prevalent in future episodes. (Who I saved, who I sent the the wall, and sentenal, ext) Honestly I only had a couple of minor complaints about the game. While I wish Ethan could be saved, I suppose it makes for a more dramatic show if he died.

My biggest complaint is when I chose to meet Ramsey at the game, I let him and Whitehill inside. So who opened the gates to let in 20 soldiers and whithills sons, when they walked in I was like wtf, who opened my gates. And lastly, whenever I talked to the maester, all I could look at was his chain clipping through his cloths, lol it annoyed me so much, but that's no big deal really.


  • Welcome to Telltale, you're choices don't matter in the end but it's not about the destination as it is the journey. Enjoy the great story Telltale gives to us.

    Now that that's out of the way, keep all hands and feet inside the vehicle and enjoy the ride.

  • The worst issues for me are the bugs in the game.

  • Yeah, the choices don't really have that much of an impact, but Telltale always seems to make an interesting story that keeps the player interested in the game. The choices do have an effect and let the player change some parts of it, but as for the overall story, not that much will change. At the end of The Walking Dead Season Two, they did give us multiple endings that seem like it will definitely have a huge impact on the game, but it all depends on what happens in Season 3.

    As for the Whitehill soldiers, perhaps someone from the inside let them in and there is a spy inside Ironrath.

  • I think that in GOT our choices matter more than ever. I just don't think it's super evident, Yet. But in future episodes i think it will be more so.

    As to the Whitehill soldiers, i think MetallicaRules is right, there's an inside man.

  • edited January 2015

    I think people go into TellTale's games expecting way too much. Your choices were never advertised to have dire differences made to the story. I also don't see why people want their choices to matter that much, there are few enough games like this as it is, and TellTale's are pretty much the only ones that deliver a solid and intriguing story.

  • Tailored.

    They specifically says the story is tailored to the way you play. This has been said many times and I'll say it again. The choices in Telltale's Games hardly matter. They affect the story in a small way but they won't change the outcome. Someone explained it brilliantly, it went something like this. You have to get to the airport, you can take a bike, a car, walk, and on the way you can do whatever you want but in the end you're going to end up at the airport.

    I understand the part about the gates opening. I didn't choose that but if I did I would be pretty angry too. The only explanation I can think of is a deeper plot, someone on the inside betrayed Ethan. And some theories say it's the unchosen Sentinel. But I couldn't see Royland, or Duncan doing that so my guess is Maester Ortengryn.

  • I kind of agree with that, there's something I don't trust about the Maester.

    Tailored. They specifically says the story is tailored to the way you play. This has been said many times and I'll say it again. The choi

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