So I finally played Game of Thrones

edited January 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I liked it. But there were some parts I didnt like.

For instance, I said I would meet Ramsey at the gate, then they just open it up for him? Theres a reason I didnt want him to come in, yet for no reason the gate just opens.

Also, I wanted to give Ramsey part of Ironwood. I was fine with that, but I didnt have an option to.

I also wish we could have played as Garred more, he was by far my favorite, but we only play as him for about 25 mins. I also found Mirria's story horrifyingly boring.

Other than that, I liked it, and I would probably have liked it more if I had known any major things in GoT before hand, but as a newcomer Id give it a 3.5/5 .

I just hope Ep 2 has more Garred ;3


  • I thought Mira's story was boring the first time around, but on the second playthrough I was able to figure out what was going on a little bit better, and it wasn't as boring. It was just a lot of talking.

  • edited January 2015

    I think the main story for Episode 2 will most likely be about Asher, but I can see Gared having a big part considering he's at The Wall.

  • speaking/answering to Cersei was was pretty nerve racking for me...

  • edited January 2015

    If you didn't like Mira's story cause it was boring in episode 1, I'm sure that will be remedied by episode 2, as shown by the screenshots. Plus the purple wedding could take place next episode :?

  • Yeah based on Ep 2's screenshot I think her story will probably get more interesting

    Green613 posted: »

    If you didn't like Mira's story cause it was boring in episode 1, I'm sure that will be remedied by episode 2, as shown by the screenshots. Plus the purple wedding could take place next episode :?

  • edited January 2015

    Also, I wanted to give Ramsey part of Ironwood. I was fine with that, but I didnt have an option to.

    Is that the plan of action you put together at the council meeting (or whatever it was called)? If you did so, I'm pretty sure you should have had the ability to make the offer. This was true in my case, anyway.

  • Oh, well for me when he was asking for about half of it, I didnt have an option to, they were all No ! You cant do that !

    Belan posted: »

    Also, I wanted to give Ramsey part of Ironwood. I was fine with that, but I didnt have an option to. Is that the plan of action you

  • edited January 2015

    For instance, I said I would meet Ramsey at the gate, then they just open it up for him? Theres a reason I didnt want him to come in, yet for no reason the gate just opens

    Either a major plot hole from Telltale's part or there's a traitor in Ironrath. For some reason I think it is the Sentinel you didn't choose.

    Also, I can see why the Mira story would seem boring but I found it pretty interesting, mainly because of the Cersei, Tyrion, and Marge cameos. Her story overall seems to be more interesting in Ep.2 based off of the screenshots though.

    Other than that, glad you played it and liked it!

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