Sansa Hate

hi! i'm wondering why there's so much hate and negativity towards sansa's character? i'm not like sansa at all, in fact i'm much more like arya, still, i can not bring myself to not like sansa. im not trying to start anything, i'm just wondering why there are so many people who hate sansa and why. if you have any thoughts, feelings or opinions on the matter feel free to share, id gladly like to hear. thanks!



  • in fact i'm much more like arya,

    So your more like a sociopath, I like arya and all but shes basically crazy and venegful and little else by this point

    i'm just wondering why there are so many people who hate sansa and why

    Rewatch season 1

  • edited January 2015

    IMO it escalated at this was pretty annoying how she defended Joffrey. (annoying at times but i love all the characters in GoT)

    Alt text

  • I was wondering why this thread wasn't already here.
    Although she was a bitch in season 1, she's starting to get more interesting

    in fact i'm much more like arya, So your more like a sociopath, I like arya and all but shes basically crazy and venegful and little

  • I hated her in season 1 and part of season 2, but I've come around to liking her in Season 3 and especially season 4.

  • Sansa was the first character I fell in love with. as soon as I saw, I said, wow, who is this. I google Sansa, and find her actor Sophie Turner. Wow, beautiful girl I said to myself. Now, I love Sansa character. She portrays it great. I love her character alot, and at one point I did love King Joffrey.

    She was Joffreys betrothed, of course she had to lie for him. I have watched S1 twice, and still love her character. She's the innocent girl who really believes in the King and Queen loving and living forever and everything all rainbows and unicorns. She finds out the harsh reality soon, and is now in the hands of handsome man Petyr Baelish. If she was smart, she would play his heart and stay safe.

  • actually, i have been told by my therapist that i do have sociopathic traits but i've been told that im a good person. not sure how that is supposed to work out but i'll take it.

    sure, she did some questionable stuff, but so has everyone else and she's not a bad person imo

    in fact i'm much more like arya, So your more like a sociopath, I like arya and all but shes basically crazy and venegful and little

  • To be fair, that's really how its supposed to be too. She starts off as kinda the stereotypical love-struck girl who doesn't put too much thought into things. In season 2 and 3, she's now forced to see things for how they are and all the other crap that happens to her. At the end of season 4, she starts to learn how to manipulate things in her favor. If I remember right, her theme starting in season 4 is even 'Take Hold of your Life'.

    I hated her in season 1 and part of season 2, but I've come around to liking her in Season 3 and especially season 4.

  • handsome man Petyr Baelish. If she was smart, she would play his heart and stay safe.





    Sansa was the first character I fell in love with. as soon as I saw, I said, wow, who is this. I google Sansa, and find her actor Sophie Tur

  • edited January 2015

    O.O Sansa play Little Fingers...he's the most dangerous characters in GoT.

    Alt text

    handsome man Petyr Baelish. If she was smart, she would play his heart and stay safe. Ha. Hahah. Hahahahahhahhaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHA

  • I hate him so much

    O.O Sansa play Little Fingers...he's the most dangerous characters in GoT.

  • Sansa is too girly girl. People like tomboys like Arya who go around stabbing people.

  • I'm looking forward to the day when Sansa pulls an Arya and stabs him in the heart.

    O.O Sansa play Little Fingers...he's the most dangerous characters in GoT.

  • me too

    KCohere posted: »

    I'm looking forward to the day when Sansa pulls an Arya and stabs him in the heart.

  • Your seeing a therapist age 12? Its easy to find sociopathic traits in anyone that doesnt make you a sociopath

    peachflower posted: »

    actually, i have been told by my therapist that i do have sociopathic traits but i've been told that im a good person. not sure how that is

  • I never really understood why being feminine/girly is a supposedly negative trait among fandom.

    KCohere posted: »

    Sansa is too girly girl. People like tomboys like Arya who go around stabbing people.

  • edited January 2015

    I dont think its that; Sansa betrays her whole family willingly and is an idiot thats why people dislike her initially, I only really liked her in the books when she got to the vale and in the show they made her a little smarter so maybe a little earlier there

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I never really understood why being feminine/girly is a supposedly negative trait among fandom.

  • I think people forget too that Sansa was a little girl, only 13, and she was brought up in a certain way that we in the modern world cent really understand. She made a lot of mistakes but they were mistakes and people acted like she was the worst person in Westeros.

    IMO it escalated at this was pretty annoying how she defended Joffrey. (annoying at times but i love all the characters in GoT)

  • edited January 2015

    Sansa was in a tough position when it came to Nymeria. Even her father acknowledged that. If she had any hope of marrying a soon to be king, she had to show solidarity with him. She was torn. As for what happened to Ned, she was being cruelly manipulated by Cercei. That wasn't her fault. I've always believed people were too hard on her because fans seem to hate characters that show any kind of weakness and I do think people see femininity as weak, thus why people love Arya so much. She bucks those girlish traits and does what other people want to do. Granted, she is becoming a bit psycho IMO but people seem to like that.

    I dont think its that; Sansa betrays her whole family willingly and is an idiot thats why people dislike her initially, I only really liked

  • i am not 12

    not to mention i have ptsd which probably influences my behavior

    Your seeing a therapist age 12? Its easy to find sociopathic traits in anyone that doesnt make you a sociopath

  • i think it would be great to see both characters staying together for a while, each one manipulating the other, it may be fun, Eventually they would reconquer Winterfell for the Stark. Then, and ONLY then, sansa should kill him

    KCohere posted: »

    I'm looking forward to the day when Sansa pulls an Arya and stabs him in the heart.

  • that would be awesome

    desd960 posted: »

    i think it would be great to see both characters staying together for a while, each one manipulating the other, it may be fun, Eventually they would reconquer Winterfell for the Stark. Then, and ONLY then, sansa should kill him

  • I like Sansa. Her progression is interesting in that she's a child who's had to face the tragic deconstruction of all the romanticized ideas of King's Landing and the horrors of political life.

    She's not the same type of fighter as Arya, but she still has to survive and manage her facade while knowing that everyone around her views her as a political pawn and that her family is slowly dying beyond her reach.

  • It's not about how "stupid" or credulous she acts, even though I'm not a fan of Sansa, it's easy to understand that Catelyn raised her to be a princess, her highest aspiration was to be married to someone from a powerful family, her entire life was about accepting whatever others decided for her. The problem is, people keep comparing her with Arya too much.

  • You don't like Littlefinger? :O

    I hate him so much

  • I just can't stand him putting his creepy old man hands on her, and it's worse in the book since she's even younger. The fact that she trusts him when he destroyed her family just infuriates me.

    desd960 posted: »

    i think it would be great to see both characters staying together for a while, each one manipulating the other, it may be fun, Eventually they would reconquer Winterfell for the Stark. Then, and ONLY then, sansa should kill him

  • edited January 2015

    I totally agree. People think she should be more like Arya. Sansa survives in her way and Arya survives in hers.

    fallandir posted: »

    It's not about how "stupid" or credulous she acts, even though I'm not a fan of Sansa, it's easy to understand that Catelyn raised her to be

  • you're right, but i was thinking more about the show than about the books. In the show she is not that young. Anyway we see that after all the stuff that happened to her she is starting to understand that in the game of thrones you either win or die. It would be great to see Sansa becoming a merciless manipulator. In that case, do you know a best teacher than littlefinger? Because i don't.

    KCohere posted: »

    I just can't stand him putting his creepy old man hands on her, and it's worse in the book since she's even younger. The fact that she trusts him when he destroyed her family just infuriates me.

  • I don't "hate" her. But i am not a fan. She was literally acting like a slave for Joffrey and Cersei which she had to, but the way she did it it annoys me. She defended Joffrey at all cause and well, she cared for him more than she did for his family. I think she had no choice so no matter what she was going to be hated because she had to marry Joffrey. Well, Joffrey is annoying, he makes anyone near him annoying.(Except Tyrion and Margary)

  • edited May 2015

    Because people misinterpret her character, or just don't like that she's not the stereotypical " anti feminine super strong badass girl who is devoid of feelings/weaknesses and fights just like men etc". Arya is an anomaly, comparing the two sisters isn't necessarily fair because of how vastly different their characters are. And as much as I like Arya, I still find her character to be somewhat unrealistic at times, where Sansa is portrayed like any other average girl her age. And this is where my biggest problem with Sansa haters comes in: the unrealistic expectations they have for her despite her age and upbringing. People seem to forget that she's a thirteen year old girl living in medieval times. During that time, many girls at that age dreamed of marrying a handsome prince and becoming a princess. Seeing as Sansa was raised and groomed to believe this is what she will do: marry a man with a prestigious title, have his children, and bring honor to her House, and nothing more. How was she to know that the world wouldn't be like she was told it would be when no one prepared her for it? It's unrealistic and unfair to fault her so harshly for not knowing what was to come, and being unable to handle it like a "bamf". Her dreams were obviously crushed and reality set in when she was exposed to the brutality/malice of the Lannisters, particularly Joffrey and Cersei. her father was beheaded, and she was forced to see his head on a pike much to Joffrey's amusement, she was almost raped on several occasions, and has also been physically abused many times. And while this is all going on, if she rebels or shows any defiance, she's at risk of being killed or tortured. There wasn't much she could do about her situation, even when she realized how much danger she was in, again, she is only a thirteen year old girl, what do you expect her to do? Not to mention she's surrounded/outnumbered by enemies, and doesn't have anyone she can 100% trust. Even in her current situation in the books, she's by herself and is really not able to do much without putting her life in danger. Because of this, Sansa has been forced to adapt to every one of her unfortunate situations, forced to play mind games, and forced to remake herself in order to survive. She's been through a lot, cut the girl some slack. I personally think she's come a long way since we were first introduced to her character.

  • Sansa was useless for a long time. She's starting to get better and I think more people like her now.

  • I hate him so much. He betrayed Ned and is all pervy on Sansa, which is worse in the books since she is 13. Can't wait for the day that she (hopefully) brutally murders him.

    You don't like Littlefinger? :O

  • I don't really like him either anymore to be honest. His fatal flaw is him seeing Sansa as the Catelyn he never had. And I forgot what his reasons for betraying Ned were when Catelyn confronted him about it when Ned's bones were delivered to her.

    I hate him so much. He betrayed Ned and is all pervy on Sansa, which is worse in the books since she is 13. Can't wait for the day that she (hopefully) brutally murders him.

  • Agreed. As painful as it was to watch her "betray" Ned I never really hated her. And even if she is not on my top 5 list she certainly is a very interesting character, especially now that she is out of the KL and with LF.

    Tinni posted: »

    Because people misinterpret her character, or just don't like that she's not the stereotypical " anti feminine super strong badass girl who

  • To be honest, for me it's her actress. She's just not that good.

  • So you want her to rebel against the man who saved her life basically?

    KCohere posted: »

    I just can't stand him putting his creepy old man hands on her, and it's worse in the book since she's even younger. The fact that she trusts him when he destroyed her family just infuriates me.

  • How? Lol. I'd say she is pretty damn good.

    Echopapa posted: »

    To be honest, for me it's her actress. She's just not that good.

  • Yes, that is what I want.

    So you want her to rebel against the man who saved her life basically?

  • edited January 2015

    I want Sansa to be a survivor, not a merciless monster. That's too much like Cercei.

    desd960 posted: »

    you're right, but i was thinking more about the show than about the books. In the show she is not that young. Anyway we see that after all t

  • So would I. She has to show a lot of her inner conflict in her face without being openly defiant. I think she's been very good.

    How? Lol. I'd say she is pretty damn good.

  • She IMO would be smart to stay with him. He can kill anyone he wants with a snap of a finger.

    KCohere posted: »

    Yes, that is what I want.

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