Show Question

edited January 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Was Edmund also killed at the Red Wedding? Was he part of the betrayal?


  • edited January 2015

    I don't think so, Walder wouldn't waste a marriage with one of his daughters. Also I'm pretty sure that's the reason he sent him to another room before all the killing started. And his name is Edmure, not Edmund :p

  • In the books he is alive and a hostage of the Freys up toward the end of A Feast For Crows. Not sure how will they play it out in the show, but no, I don't think they killed him off in the show either.

  • Walder says something about having him in his dungeon at some point after the red wedding.

  • OK I thought I saw on a wiki that he was killed. Thanks.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Edmure Tully lives on!

  • edited January 2015

    Sherio88 is correct

    rewatch season 3 episode 10
    conversation between Walder Frey and Roose Bolton

    Walder Frey "The late Walder Frey. Old Tully called me because I didn't get my men to the Trident in time for battle. He thought he was witty. Look at us now, Tully! You're dead, your daughter's dead, your grandson's dead, your son spends his wedding night in a dungeon, and... I am Lord of Riverrun."

    Sherio88 posted: »

    Walder says something about having him in his dungeon at some point after the red wedding.

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