does anybody know any other games like TWD,GOT...

I have recently played "Life is Strange" and I was wondering are there
any other games like this one(that aren't developed by telltale)
cuz I'll die before telltale releases next episode of GOT or next season of TWD.


  • I'll die before telltale releases next episode of GOT

    Just over 3 days to go, pal XD

  • Well, if you haven't, I would recommend The Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands (Wolf Among Us also has all 5 episodes out)

  • If you're looking outside of Telltale, no episodic games that have done as well are coming to me right now. If you really enjoy the dialogue tree/choice and consequence options in Telltale Games however, the Mass Effect series would probably be something to check out.

  • Maybe have a look at Dreamfall chapters. It might be a bit hard to follow though.

  • If you're looking for games based on making choices, you should try Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, The Stanley Parable, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy, or even Witcher series.

  • You can get Indigo Prophecy: "Remastered" on Steam for like 10 bucks. Its kind of like those games but it came out a decade ago.

  • That game had such potential and then that ending. Ugh.

    You can get Indigo Prophecy: "Remastered" on Steam for like 10 bucks. Its kind of like those games but it came out a decade ago.

  • Alt text

    ninoobz posted: »

    That game had such potential and then that ending. Ugh.

  • This is the correct answer.

    fallandir posted: »

    If you're looking for games based on making choices, you should try Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, The Stanley Parable, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy, or even Witcher series.

  • Broken Age Act 1
    It is a visual novel too but it's a fixed storyline with no deviation.

  • Visual Novel? I believe the proper term is Point and Click.

    Broken Age Act 1 It is a visual novel too but it's a fixed storyline with no deviation.

  • Well... at least my brother was laughing his ass off watching me anxiously smash the buttons during fights!

  • Square Enix just released a game title Life is Strange that follows the episodic approach. Haven't played it though so can't say whether it is good or not.

  • edited January 2015

    OP said he has already played it and its pretty good so far IMO.

    Psyentifik posted: »

    Square Enix just released a game title Life is Strange that follows the episodic approach. Haven't played it though so can't say whether it is good or not.

  • Well when I clicked on this I was gonna say Life is Strange, but I see you've already played it xD. I don't really know any other games where you choose how you play.....Danganronpa is a good story driven game but you don't make choices in it.

  • This genre is still so new you have to wait for it to grow. While your waiting why not look back to the games it evolved from the good old fashioned point and click there are so many to choose from I would recommend sam and max if you haven't played that yet there is the broken sword series my childhood favorite grim fandango has just been remastered and a more recent one is gray matter. As for what your actually asking after there isnt much that fits the description indigo prophecy has different endings if I remember rightly so there was some choice in that. there are lots of rpgs where you choose how to play but I have a feeling thats not your thing

  • The Wolf Among Us or Tales from the Borderlands (both made by Telltale), Heavy Rain (a masterpiece IMO), Beyond: Two Souls and Fahrenheit aka Indigo Prophecy (all the three of them made by Quantic Dream) and also Mass Effect (Bioware).

  • Actually I love rpgs...I'm playing dragon age inquisition

    This genre is still so new you have to wait for it to grow. While your waiting why not look back to the games it evolved from the good old f

  • If you're looking for adventure style games, some of Lucasarts old games are gold.

  • In that case there is the elder scrolls, dragon age is fun way of the samurai has lots of choice but I find it pretty hard. Jade empire was great it was on original xbox but you can get it on pc you had alot of choice and can be good or evil (open palm or closed fist) it focuses on chinese mythology you can fight in legendary styles like pouncing tiger and there are mythical creatures and ghosts and stuff, it was voted best rpg of all time not too long ago I highly recommended it, your choices had a huge impact.

    pajser_cro posted: »

    Actually I love rpgs...I'm playing dragon age inquisition

  • edited February 2015

    You should try Life is strange. It just came out recently and its actually a really good game :)
    Edit: oops I just read that you already tried it haha my bad

  • I guess I should learn to read then. :P

    OP said he has already played it and its pretty good so far IMO.

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