GoT Episode 1 download not working
I have bought the season pass (and paid £13.99) for the game and downloaded the full first episode. However, when I install the download from my games list, it just disappears and doesn't install. How do I rectify this? I didn't download the demo beforehand, nor can I download the demo now.
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Thread: Game Of Thrones - Download List
I know there are many posts on this already, but i've looked and seen no answers to my issue.
I've purchased the Game of Thrones Season 1 pass via PSN on my PC. But it hasn't appeared in my download list on my PS3 or my download list on my PSN profile.
I've tried searching for the demo to download in both my primary PSN profile (as suggested on another post), and another profile I created but no luck can't even find the actual game on PSN via my PS3, only via my PC.
So i'm stuck with a bill for the game, with no way of downloading it. Any help would be appreciated. I'm from the UK.
Thread: GOT PS3 - download, install, disappear/no trail option after season pass purchase UK
Having purchased the Game of Thrones: Season 1 - Season Pass, I am unable to use the download button on the game page in the PS3 UK store. I have tried to download the game unlock (Game of Thrones: Season 1, Ep1. Iron From Ice). This flashes through a fast download, install popup but doesn't show on my games on main PS3 (not store) menu alongside my other games. It does however now show on my PS3 store download list (where I also tried downloading it from). I tried restarting the machine and downloading multiple times; the only time it showed on my main games list was during download, accepting it to download in the background. This caused the game to show up on my main home PS3 page, but when I clicked on it to install it, it popped up with a "Please wait" and then disappeared from the main page. This all appears to only be the Game Unlock data as the season pass doesn't allow a download.
I have looked through other answers and tried the suggestion to download the trail - however I cannot now do this as I cannot find a "Try Demo/Trail" anywhere on PS3 store. Please tell me what I can do, I love TellTale Games and have been looking forward to playing this for a while.
Kind regards to any who can help.
Thread: Can't find Season Pass Key
Apologies if this problem has been discussed/a solution already posted.
After downloading the demo yesterday I bought the discounted Season 1 pass on the PSN store. I then downloaded the episode 1 file from my View Downloads menu not realising that it was the same file as the demo (the 1.2mb Season Pass Unlock Key was not in the menu at the time and still isn't). After this was finished downloading I installed it, deleting the original demo install to do so (it wouldn't let me install the episode 1 file otherwise, this should have been the first clue that they were the same file... but I guessed that the new episode 1 file contained the unlock key whereas the original demo file did not).
The new episode 1 install is still not unlocked and the Season Pass Unlock Key file is still not in my PSN View Downloads menu. The payment has definitely gone through as I've been emailed the receipt. Is there something I've missed? Any help would be much appreciated!
Further details - I'm a PSN Europe costumer (UK). Both installs successfully patched to 1.03 (could that be the issue?). When I run the game I am logged into my PSN account.
I sincerely apologize for any difficulties this has caused you all. If you are unable to see the Episode 1 Demo/Trial version on your PS3's Playstation Store, please try deleting the Game Unlock Key file for the game from your PS3, then open the Playstation Store again either from your PS3, or on a PC/Mac on the PS Store website, and do a search for 'Game of Thrones: Season 1' and you should see the 'Timed Trial', 'Game', and 'Game Unlock' for PS3. If you have purchased either the Season Pass, or Episode 1, please download and install the 'Timed Trial', then the 'Game Unlock' (1.2mb size file) and the Full Game should unlock and allow you to play successfully.