edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones



  • You know, that was an IGN review, that was one reviewer, I'd wait and see how you feel about the episode.

  • Exactly. Some people jump to conclusions before its even out yet.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You know, that was an IGN review, that was one reviewer, I'd wait and see how you feel about the episode.

  • At least it's putting people's expectations low, I guess.

    Exactly. Some people jump to conclusions before its even out yet.

  • Well, I don't want them to focus on only one game, and the others a re right. It's one opinion.

  • You already played the episode? Or are you just citing the IGN review?

    You talk about 'CoD like bullcrap'. This episode obviously isn't 'CoD like bullcrap', or else IGN would have rated it around 9/10, like they always do with CoD. Seriously, I will never understand how people actually give a damn about IGN, in my opinion the worst and most biased reviewing site ever, when they keep giving soulless AAA-titles top scores.

    That this episode got a 7/10 does only mean that some IGNorant reviewer did not like it. He probably disliked the lack of stuff blowing up, the 'bad graphics' and the fact that he can't use an assault rifle in King's Landing. Does not mean it is crap. Since IGN did not like it, chances are high that I am going to enjoy the episode very much.

    Also, Episode 1 of Tales and Episode 1 of GoT have been undeniably amazing and they have been developed at the same time. Telltale proved themselves more than capable to create multipe games at the same time.

    If you don't want to play 'CoD like bullcrap', play Telltale games instead.

  • edited February 2015

    Would now be a good time to say Hannah from the Yogscast seemed to think it was a good followup and can't wait to show people her let's play on youtube?

    All subjective, especially when it comes to story-heavy products. What is one's treasure is another's junk, so to speak.

    (Also, that review is now pretty much confirmed to have broken the embargo. i wasn't so sure because I would have expected it to be taken down very soon after being posted, but it has now been taken down, it looks like. Took a while though.)

  • edited February 2015

    I don't want to play average 7 rated

    Remember when IGN rated Pokemon ORAS a 7.8/10 because it had "too much water"? Yeah, let that sink in for a little while.

  • Who exactly are these "many others" you speak of, friend?

  • I really wish you had thought about what you were about to post before you posted it, because you just gave off a terrible impression of yourself.

  • Haha "sink in"

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't want to play average 7 rated Remember when IGN rated Pokemon ORAS a 7.8/10 because it had "too much water"? Yeah, let that sink in for a little while.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2015

    They don't start full production of games until the current seasons wrapped up, and the games that are in production has their own teams working on them, so any one game doesn't affect each other.

    Telltale had six projects in various stages when The Walking Dead was announced (Back to the Future: The Game, Hector: Badge of Carnage, The Wolf Among Us, Puzzle Agent 2, Jurassic Park: The Game, and King's Quest), and they were a much smaller studio back then. I think you'll agree that the quality of The Walking Dead turned out to be really good, despite the fact that they had six games in the pipeline when it was announced.

  • Honestly, a 7/10 is still a good game. Or at least it should be. I had this academic standard that some people have assumed with review scores, where 7 is considered average and a 5 is a failure of a game. 5 is fucking average. I would have rated episode one a seven, and I liked it.

  • edited February 2015

    Is that where that too much water thing comes from?

    Green613 posted: »

    I don't want to play average 7 rated Remember when IGN rated Pokemon ORAS a 7.8/10 because it had "too much water"? Yeah, let that sink in for a little while.

  • Yup

    KCohere posted: »

    Is that where that too much water thing comes from?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2015

    I agree. On a 5 point scale, a 7 would be a 3 and a half, which is definitely considered a good game (most sites with a 5 point system list games with a 3 1/2 point rating or higher as a game that's recommended by the staff, so a 7 would actually be a game that one would recommend).

    Honestly, a 7/10 is still a good game. Or at least it should be. I had this academic standard that some people have assumed with review sc

  • edited February 2015

    Whatever then I meant in general, they just have too many projects on their hands at same time and it worries I dunno you can hate me now and delete this thread

  • Yeah I suck.

    I really wish you had thought about what you were about to post before you posted it, because you just gave off a terrible impression of yourself.

  • edited February 2015

    I see you joined like a week ago and I have been here over a year so I don't have time to explain it all but there was a time when everyone's was pretty much worried and maybe angry about how telltale handels it's projects and episodes...

    Mortempool posted: »

    Who exactly are these "many others" you speak of, friend?

  • Overreact much? IGN is full of morons who gave a game a 7.8 do to too much water

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