Rodrik will be back, but not as a PC
fine, you win, Rodrik will be back "Meanwhile, an unexpected source of hope returns to the Forresters", can't really be anything else.
but i don't think he'll be PC, and the reason why is simple:Ironrath, we need an Ironrath pc and it can't be Rodrik because...he's not there.
also, the "next time on game of thrones" shows a Duncan and Royland arguing about who should lead the house, since Gared is at the wall, Mira's in kings landing and asher is in slaver's bay, the pc witnessing that scene must be the 5th pov, and it can't be Rodrik because if he's alive then obviously he will be the one to lead the house.
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He will be there and he will be the PC. Even the IGN video review has pretty much confirmed it, even if it wasn't already, as it's clear there's an injured character at Ironrath during some of the scenes shown. (Also the description does say Ironrath is no place for the weak, again hinting at an injured Rodrik, plus the shadowy figure on the menu . . .)
Also, you just admitted it can't be anyone else but Rodrik, which the 'source of hope' refers to. And for the source of hope to be known to the Foresters, he needs to turn up at Ironrath. And as that description was for episode 2, then the source of hope needs to turn up during episode 2. So, he will indeed be present for those scenes.
Your logic really doesn't make much sense, because you're saying 'the source of hope is Rodrik' on the one hand, while saying 'he won't be present at Ironrath' on the other hand.
I honestly don't know why some people are so resistant to the idea of him being the 5th character. Well, I do, as it's because of the horse thing . . . but it's happening, so . . . it's probably best just to deal with it or . . . don't.
I swap him with Ethan, it was Rodrick is playable you can make choices with him, looking at stuff etc.
he'll get there during the episode then, what will he do, show up at ironrath during the very first scene?
also, if rodrik is a PC, how do you explain the ironrath scenes in the preview?
This is not difficult.
He will arrive at Ironrath in episode 2, therefore allowing those scenes to take place.
And how am I/others supposed to know if he will turn up during the first scene, second or whatever? I think it's safe to assume it won't be right at the very end though.
Honestly, at this point, it really is a fact he's turning up at Ironrath in episode 2. You're welcome to doubt it for whatever reason, but you'll see I and others are right.
It can be inferred that they're arguing about who will lead the house when Rodrik isn't there. That scene probably won't be in the episode.
my bad phrasing, what i meant was: if rodrik is in ironrath, why are people arguing of who would lead the house?
Ah, sorry. Apologies for getting a bit ratty there. Thought you were being difficult.
Anyhow, I can't speak for them.
I can make assumptions though. I think they reckon one of the later episodes will come down to choosing between Asher and Rodrik as to who runs the house. Which I doubt will happen, as I don't see any real reason for it currently unless they don't see eye to eye. Or they think Asher's going to end up in Westeros during episode 2 - 3, which I doubt yet again, because Dany is on the episode 5 picture, I believe, which means that Asher likely has to remain in Essos until the 5th or 6th episode, assuming Dany has a big part to play in episode 5. Doubt he'll flip flop between Essos and Westeros too.
Anyway . . . probably best not to guess why people think what they do. Some people still think certain characters from Telltale's TWD are still alive, without spoiling anything if you've never played those games when it's clear there's no way that those characters survived.
Lee is Alive! he'll come back as as a zombie-resistant cyburg in season 3, you'll see!
in other news...definitely agree on asher not coming back to westeros until at least episode 4, i cross my fingers he will be back this season.
choosing between asher and rodrik for leadership doesn't make much sense to me, rodrik is the eldest, he was trained to be lord from childhood, and from what we've heard of asher he's a robert type person, and has no desire for power.
Ah yeah this why is in the files, the dead animation leedyingA leedyingB, is no lee for next season, you'll see!
well you know there is this since they released a patch early on the playstation version and one of the playable characters in the menu is clearly rodrik
to be 100% sure i swap him again ethan with rodrik
and i got this
I think its awesome that he is back !!!
...You were saying?
You sir, are wrong.